M.C. Grammar ( Ode To CoCo)

by rip van winkle 8 Replies latest social humour

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    One man, so complex, oh dear, CoCo you are,


    The heavens are missing their brightest of stars!


    He's chock full of coffee and nominal phrases,


    Head spinning, iceberg theories, read pages 'pon pages.


    No HEMmING or hawing his WAY through the grammar;


    "Can't Touch This" he sings, as one emcee named Hammer!


    CoCo saw a parataxis, now he's off to the races--


    Knows where to dash-- and dot...in all the right places!


    Opened too many windows, his desktop done froze--


    Oh CoCo, oh please, write some more of your prose!




  • wasblind

    That is so sweet

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Let the games begin

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    CoCo writes a word or two

    something old and something new

    His puncuation has a style

    with grammar he can sure beguile

    He whips up stories like meringue

    and maybe use interrobang (he did what !?)

    your words are like a rack of lamb

    when mine resemble diced up spam

    so keep on serving us your best

    but don't give us a grammar test

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Thankswasblind! I'm glad you see

    Nancy, delicious

    It's gonna happen--NOW!

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Punctuation and grammar are important, you know?


    I just can't remember where my punctuation should go!


    CoCo is so very smart, he reads Strunk & White.


    Nancy wants to duke it out with a poetic, grammarian fight!


    Oh yeah, exclaimed Rip, as she picked up a pen


    And replied, as Ronald Reagan did:


    "Well... here we go--again!"


    So, why does Mark always ask questions?


    Dotty ellipsis leaves me...wanting ...more!


    Parenthesis often embrace an incidental thought: (Oh my goodness!)


    What has our teacher, CoCo, wrought?!?!


    Just one more thing -- if you care to know-- but, then-- I really must dash,


    It's so much more forceful than a simple little comma,


    But, I think I've had my fill of this punctuation drama!




  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, wasblind, Nancy and rip!

    You are not only creative and funny but also giving little work for a blue pencil to do.

    Quite seriously apt.


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    One dark and stormy night from out of nowhere came a light

    around the room some creatures crept they stole her notebook as she slept

    the notebook now was in their grip they gathered round it on their ship

    their big eyes clued with concentration but oh it lacked some puncuation

    the aliens now began to clammer the notebook used improper grammar

    and so the notebook was destroyed invasion they would now avoid

    oh yes the earth was saved that night because the grammar wasn't right

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Thank you, CoCo!!!!!!!


    Oh, Wibby!!( will see you and raise you one, later, maybe?!)

    [was just writing about aliens, too!]


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