The society gets to rent out district convention sites for free!!!??

by EndofMysteries 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    Look what I just found.... " The Jehovah’s Witness Convention, Christian Congregation was approved for a $30,000 grant to offset the cost of renting Veterans Memorial Arena July 4-6 and July 18-20."

    I wonder how much are they charged for that event or if it ends up being close to free since the city will say it will generate revenue for the city.

    If that's the case, then when they announce "expenses for this weekend have been $30,000, (then in a pathetic almost crying voice while donations have already been close to $30,000), donations have been $10,500, resulting in a deficit of $19,500, thank you for your contributions :crying: in which they squeeze another 10-15k in donations for a total of $45,000 when the event cost was free and off to the GB retirement fund. Does it work something like that?

  • AudeSapere

    Gosh... There was a great thread about Assembly/Convention donations that explained how it all worked. Essentially, the assemblies are designed to be money-makers for the org and no matter how much money is actually collected in the first half, they will *always* be deficient and beg for money to 'cover the necessary expenses'. Those 'necessary expenses', include a sizable donation to the WTS well over and above any actual operation costs.

    Maybe someone can find one of those old posts that explain so much...?


  • Sparlock the Wizard
    Sparlock the Wizard

    ^This. I've worked in the accounting dept for Circuit Assemblies and they always will try to make the numbers look like we're have a "deficit" when in reality, the elders decide to send a shitload of cash to the org BEFORE we even have any donations. And of course if there is a lot left over they send that too.

  • steve2

    Religion is a snare and a racket....

  • AudeSapere

    There have been several threads about convention deficits in general and many more on specific incidents (ie: Tacoma), but here a thread from 10 years ago that is pretty informative:


  • Laika

    The DC Hall in my home town is owned by the government and rented out for free due to the benefit the thousands of visiting JWs bring to the economy.

  • mynameislame

    Maybe these are types of things protesters should have on their signs

    I did a little looking and the convention rentals i found info on were around $1500-2000 a day for 10000 seat arena. I wasn't able to find anything for this place. But even if it is double that,for six days (2 weekends) they are still breaking even or better.

  • WhoYourDaddy

    Just a bunch of really smart guys doing their best to keep the scam going for another 100 years.

  • DesirousOfChange

    There is never an accounts report given at District Conventions.

    That only happens at Circuit events.

    They obviously are a huge money-maker.


  • NVR2L8

    District conventions are graciously provided by the organization...but you are free to contribute to make up the in the end if the convention site is provided for free or if the WT receives a grant to hold the conversation in this location, all donations are gravy money! They sure wouldn't tell the brothers to keep their cash to upset their travel expenses.

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