Isaiah 59 & Waiting on Jehovah.

by BoozeRunner 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BoozeRunner

    Every time I hear the Kingdumb Cliche "Wait on Jehovah", I think of Isaiah Chapter 59. Especially in light of the events of the past week, that is, the JC meetings for those simply wanting justice to come down on the most horrendous of wrongdoers in the organizaion, and the gross unwillingness of the Society to provide such.

    Keep in mind that the key at the top of the NWT says, "Confesses Isreal's errors, sins, works"

    Here are some verses to think about.

    vs. 3:For your own palms have become polluted with blood, and your fingers with error. Your own lips have spoken falsehood. Your own tongue kept muttering sheer unrighteousness.

    vs. 4:There is no one calling out in righteousness, and no one at all has gone to court in faithfulness. There has been a trusting in ureality, and a speaking of worthlessness. There has been a concieving of trouble, and a bringing of what is hurtful to birth.

    Verse 11, 14, 15a shows the result of these sinful actions.

    vs. 11: We kep groaning, all of us, just like bears; and like doves we kept cooing. We kept hoping for justice, but there was none; for salvation, but it stayed far away from us.

    vs. 14:And justice was forced to move back, and righteousness itself kept standing simply far off. For truth has stumbled even in the public square, and what is straightforward is unable to enter.

    vs.15a:And the truth proves to be missing, and anyone turning away from badness is being despoiled.
    One wonders how Jehovah looked at this particular situation. Verse 15b, 16a gives us a clue.

    vs. 15b:And Jehovah got to see, and it was bad in his eyes THAT THERE WAS NO JUSTICE.

    vs. 16a: And when he saw that there was no man, HE BEGAN TO SHOW HIMSELF ASTONISHED THAT THERE WAS NO ONE INTERPOSING[/i]

    Interestingly, Jehovah wasnt astonished at the badness, but that there was NO ONE stepping in to administer justice. Why was this astonishing? Simply because He had put people in place in his organization back then to do so. He didnt expect anyone to wait for Him to step in. If an organization claims[/i] to represent Him, then those in authority are EXPECTED to administer proper justice.

    So, anyone who is taking Bill Bowen, the Pandelo family, and Barbara Anderson to task for blowing the whistle on the WTS, GET A CLUE!!!


  • bigboi

    Nice post Booozerunner.

    What really trips up the WTS in this situation is they already think they're doin the right thing when it comes to child molestation.

    Basically, what it all boils down to is the taking the scriputural principle of having two witnesses to every offense and using it to protect a human corporation under the guise of protecting God's name from reproach.



  • Scully

    Funny you should mention "waiting on Jehovah", Boozy my friend. I was thinking about that very subject this afternoon.

    Isn't it just fascinating that when wrongs need to be corrected within the heirarchy of the WTS, the instruction comes down to "wait on Jehovah" who supposedly will correct things in "his due time"?

    Isn't it also just so fascinating that when the heirarchy of the WTS needs to have books and magazines distributed, that this patiently "waiting on Jehovah" attitude can very conveniently be set aside?

    And even more fascinating that when the heirarchy of the WTS requires a show of "faith" from the R&F JWs, that it always seems to mean that money has to be forked out for Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, the "worldwide preaching work", etc, rather than patiently "waiting on Jehovah" for these things to be accomplished in His due time??

    What would become of the WTS if the followers all of a sudden developed a "waiting on Jehovah" attitude toward EVERYTHING ELSE - especially the preaching/book selling work and financial support - while patiently "waiting on Jehovah" to correct the abuse and hypocrisy within the midst of "His" "chosen people"? Do you suppose that if "Jehovah" suddenly noticed a major downturn in "His" cashflow, that maybe.... just maybe.... "He" would do something about this pedophilia problem within the ranks of "His" "chosen people"??

    Love, Scully

  • BoozeRunner

    Scully..."Waiting on Jehovah" is definitely a ONE-WAY Street in the borg.

    What I find is that it is a lame excuse for inaction by the hierarchy and/or elders who simply dont wan to correct a certain situation-usually the type of situation that puts egg on their faces.


  • Scully


    The elders also never seem to "wait on Jehovah" when it comes to taking swift action to silence (ie: disfellowship) people who disagree with the way things are being handled.

    If it is really TRUTH they are concerned about, and really TRUTH that they claim to have, one would think that "waiting on Jehovah" would exonerate "His" "Chosen People" in "His" "due time", because TRUTH can always stand up to the bright lights of scrutiny.

    Love, Scully

  • MacHislopp

    Hello BoozeRunner,

    thanks for the interesting post.

    I do agree 100% with you on this part:

    "Interestingly, Jehovah wasnt astonished at the badness, but that there was NO ONE stepping in to administer justice. Why was this astonishing? Simply because He had put people in place in his organization back then to do so. He didnt expect anyone to wait for Him to step in. If an organization claims[/i] to represent Him, then those in authority are EXPECTED to administer proper justice."

    Jehovah and Jesus Christ have nothing to do with the current
    WTBS Inc.!! They are miles off target from ...true LOVE.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Fredhall

    Boozer Runner,

    Keep waiting dude. Keep Waiting

  • Gozz

    Thanks BoozeR for that post!

    Most times, Wait on Jehovah means 'Shut Up! Shut up! Keep going to field service and attending meetings'



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