that jw mother o' mine...

by airwlk149 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • airwlk149

    so i told my mother i have been dating stephanie or close to year...
    she flipped. i know that she wouldn't agree with it but now she won't call me at all or anything.
    she made me feel so guilty and dirty but i shouldn't...
    i am confused.

    love ya bunches,

  • AjaxMan

    Hi Katie,

    What's up???

    Sorry to hear'bout you and your mother. However, you gotta remember that you are an adult now. You make your own life decisions.

    Also, don't feel guilty that your mother won't call your or talk to you because as much as she disagrees with you, she should still remain open to you because that's what unconditional love is. I still have a lot of disagreements with my father, but because I don't share or agree with some of his opinions, doesn't mean that he's gonna stop talking to me or I am gonna stop talking to him. The main reason for that is that there's still love between my Dad and I.

    Just remember, you are not a child or a kid anymore. She oughta treat you like an adult.



  • ring

    hi Katie,

    Sorry about you and your mother

    I hope things work out for you

  • Mimilly

    Katie, love, you gotta be true to your own heart. As much as we all want to please our parents... it cannot always be done. In fact, I think it's rare. My mom disses me alot. And yes, it hurts.

    Keep reaching out and remember the hugs we're all sending your way. One day, this too shall pass, and you'll be alot stronger. For the time being, it's gonna hurt. I wish I could carry it for you.

    love mimilly

  • Introspection

    Katie, there's a support group in Marin county tomorrow. Give Paul a call at (510)251-1848 and he can tell you how to get there. In case you don't have it anymore the website is and I'll be there so you'll kind of know someone there.


  • singsongboi

    dear katie,

    you are not 'dirty' for dating your friend.... of course, your mother has been brain'squashed' into thinking it is so.. but you know it is not.

    sadly, sex is being used in most churches to control people.

    when they can make you feel guilty, then they can mentally molest you, and manipulate you!

    and dear katie this is a far more evil thing than anything you and your girl friend could do in bed (in your mothers imagination).

    David Marr is a veri fine australian writer. He has written a book titled. "The High Price of Heaven" in which he chronicles the campaigns by churches to force everyone to conform to their moral code whether you want to or not. I don't know whether it is available where you live, but it's worth a read, especially the last chapter, wehich he calls Shame and Forgiveness.

    Quoting - marr says... " At puberty the churches reach out to us with their ministry of shame. The timing is everything. These years of doubt and confusion are the best chance they'll ever have of winning us over. "

    the wonderful thing in today's world is that more and more people are escaping from their (including the jws )efforts to control us..

    stand for your own natural life katie...!!!

    love your stephanie with all your heart!!!!!!

  • ashitaka


    Any person with a fundy background would react the way your mom did. "Dirty" is all perception. In time, she'll get over it. Remember in reality, there's nothing to 'get over'. Your mom has a problem....she's prejudiced against certain people.

    You're not.

    Good for you, and good luck with the relationship.


  • airwlk149

    we broke up.
    steph left me and says she wants to be "just friends"
    how do i feel about that?
    i miss her.

    i am letting my mother think we are still dating...

    love ya bunches,

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