The JW organization is Christophobic.
They are afraid of honoring christ in the same way that the NT records Paul honoring him with titles like the one you mention. I think it's because they have allowed their loathing of the Trinity doctrine to cause them to go to the opposite extreme of being fearful of giving christ appropriate honor lest they are guilty of worshiping him - or worst: that they should resemble christendom. LOL.
You will never hear a JW, in speaking about the doings of the organization, use terminology like "Jesus' Organization", "Jesus' direction", "servants of Jesus", etc, even though these terms have valid basis in scripture, by JWs' own standards of interpretation of scripture. You would always only hear terms like "Jehovah's Organization", "Jehovah's direction", "servants of Jehovah", etc. They are Jehovah-centric and Christ-phobic. The NT writings of Paul and others reveal that first century christians were christ-centric, quite unlike modern-day JWs.
Look at last week's service meeting part in the Kingdom Ministry about the memorial campaign. The terms "Jesus" and "Christ" weren't mentioned a single time in that entire KM part even though the memorial is supposed to be a memorial of his death!
It's a crying shame that they call themselves Christian while they treat christ as if he is just another bible character and elevate the organization and the faithful and discreet slave as the real force in their spiritual lives.