While most of it boils my blood....I do agree that parents have to take a greater responsibility and view EVERYONE as a potential monster to their child...it's the only way to protect them short of supergluing their arse to yer hip!
Because pedophiles hide so well in society and the warning signs can be a little cloudy....it's better to be safe than sorry.
Parents need to be alert to the people in the community, the people they associate with the most...be it religion, school, neighbours, the sitter....a parent can NOT afford to be lack in any area of their childs life...even their extra-ciricular activities opens them up to dangers beyond belief!
Parents be viligent and if anything should happen to your child despite your hardest efforts...remember...put your feelings aside (your self-loathing etc and the 'what ifs'), and nurture your child to the full extent....even if it is painful for you.
A woman I once knew refused to support her child because she couldn't emotionally face the consequences....only focusing on her own pain and not factoring in what is going thru her childs mind and heart as he slowly died inside. She was too self-involved to see it!
I pray that NEVER happens to a child again!