Yesterday's WT "Study".

by piztjw 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • piztjw

    So here are some interesting quotes from the WT in yesterday's WT "study". I have printed some words in bold type to make my point.

    Par. 12 "As part of that annual observance, children would ask their parents questions...."

    Par. 13 "As new generations grew up, important lessons would be emphasized, passed on by father to son."

    So obviously children were a NEW generation. The picture at the top of the page portrays a father, mother, son, and daughter. Evidently according to the new definition of generation from the WT&T$ the picture has only ONE over-lapping generation. But at the same time they printed in the paragrph that this would be TWO generations. I wonder WTF they are smoking in the Ivory Tower? Doesn't anyone see the total inconsistency?

    Then in par.14 they start off with this bit of "wisdom", "Christian parents do not each year recount to their sons and daughters the meaning of that Passover. The same picture of the phony family has the heading that asks, "In discussing the Passover, what lessons will you help your children learn?"

    Par. 16 gives the suggestion order to include a discussion of the Passover account in Family Worship Indoctrination.

    The forgetfullness of the sheeple is mind-boggling when they cannot, even from one paragraph to the next on the same page, spot total double-speak.

  • Honesty

    They deserve the Watchtower Society if they don't pay attention any better than that.

  • sir82

    "Generation" means "generation" unless that meaning is inconvenient. Then it means something else.

    Next question?

  • prologos

    for wt writers, overlapping generation, (now two groups) applies only to the 'anointed'

    the pictured regulars are to the GB just really Rank and file. and

    the 'anointed (partakers)' are really mentally unstable.

  • Apognophos

    You're being too literal piztjw. The generation of 1914 was a group of people who lived to see a certain event. This has always been distinct from the way that anyone, including the Society, would use the word when referring to a family. One is a historical generation and one is a familial generation.

  • Syme

    Oh, please, they don't smoke anything in the ''Ivory tower''. They are NOT afraid about anyone seeing the inconstistency, because NO ONE is going to see the inconsistency, because EVERYONE is too brainwashed and practically RETARD to see the incosistency!

    They're playing with the flock like a shepherd playing with his stupid sheep. (sheep are classified as really stupid as far as mammals are concerned)

    And even if, one in a thousand, one in a ten-thousand, sees the incostistency, so what? If he continues to think critically he'll be DF'd and shunned.

    That's why they don't give a dime if anyone spots any ''incosistency''.

  • steve2

    At last it's terribly clear. I misheard: I thought they were talking about over-lipping generations when in fact they said over-lapping generations. Now it's so clear....

  • subytrek

    I had the misfortune to go to yesterdays meeting and noticed the contradictory watchtower article as well. It seems like the writing is getting more schizophrenic. It seems like the articles are all variations of the same few themes now too; obey the gb and the end is soon. I remember there used to be a few articles every once in a while about Jesus, his qualities, and the fruitage of spirit, how to be a good Christian, etc. But that was like 10 years ago or more. Now it's all about apostates.

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