I got a copy of DPotA and its full of lame poems. Has this ever been discussed before? Its just wierd, there are many poems through out the book. What was the pourpose of that nonsense?
Studies in the scriptures Divine plan of the ages full of "poems?"
by dogon 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
I also ran across Amazon.com new or relatively new 2000 printings by the Okland Bible Students of DPotA. I also foiund a few YouTube videos where some still hold up DPotA and Russell as a way of religious belief. Has anyone heard of this before? I thought this stuff was dead but it seems some still follow the old teachings of Russell.
So by doing a little back ground on this, the seperation of the the so called loyal Russell follwers who split off after his death and the hostile take over by Ruthaford still exist to this day as bible students. This seems to be the group that produces the modern copies of Russells work.
There once was a prophet from Nantucket....
There were lot of poems, lame at times, but heartfelt it seems. The Bible Students would be an upgrade from JWism.
I had a complete set of Studies in the Scriptures which I used when doing research for my MLitt. It's a long time ago since I disposed of them but I don't recall seeing many poems in DIvine Plan or in any of the other volumes. Which edition are you referring to? I know that new editions published by the various Bible Students groups incorporate some "corrections" though I wasn't aware of any actual additions to Russell's text. I'd be very interested if you could give us an example of any of the poetry you are talking about.
Likewise, I don't recall any poems in the Studies in the Scriptures, and I have read all of them. I do recall an occasional poem in the Zion's Watchtower reprints pre-1916. Many of them were written by a lady with the last name of Seibert, if I remember correctly. Maybe some of the new republished editions have some poetry in the Studies.
I have the 1926 ed of the DPA, and there appears to be a poem after most of the chapters.