Brooklyn Eagle Video Asks: Which Brooklyn Heights Properties Will The Watchtower Sell Next ...

by AndersonsInfo 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndersonsInfo

    The Brooklyn Eagle posted a video today exploring the fate of the remaining Watchtower properties in the Brookyn Heights area.

  • LostGeneration

    Thanks Barb.

    Wow, they still have 16 properties which according to the reporter have developer's mouths watering?

    Huge amounts of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ still rolling into the WTS.

  • Londo111


  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Thanks for the information Barb!

    I sent you a PM about the other matter you wanted information about.


  • mynameislame

    Here's the link without all those anoying pictures blocking half of it

    or right on youtube

  • quellycatface

    I wonder if the GB sold their grandmas???

  • clarity

    Hi Andersons hope you are keeping well.

    So glad you are still remembering us here at jwn.

    Looking at those buildings ...I think of all the blood

    sweat & tears that went into the purchasing & renovating

    them. All of it slave labour & underhanded pressure for money.



  • factfinder

    Thank you Barbara!

    Today also released a new video about moving out of 117 Adams Street. It makes me feel so sad those idiot gb.2 members sold it. I have memories of a very happy part of my life visiting that printery, it was at one time a very special place to me, and I feel nostalgic seeing the video. I have not been able to be there since 2003 and now it is sold.

    I have not been able to get to Wallkill since 1997 and wonder if I will ever get to tour the printery there.

    I think it will be several years before the other Brooklyn Buildings are sold as they have to be able to relocate the operations and personal.

    I wonder where the laundry/dry cleaning operation will be moved to which is currently still at the Adams st complex, Bldg 3, 55 Prospect street.

    But as sad as I am about the salesof these Bethel buildings by the moron gb it just helps me to see that the jw religion today is not the one I became part of back in the 70's.

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