I have been curious as to when she would publicly state why she left. I see this as a great topic and Facebook share for those with active JW's on their pages. I'm excited about this and like the point that her mother didn't shun her. Family comes first.
Today article on why Leah Remini left Scientology
by Gypsy Sam 2 Replies latest social current
That's great. Family First.
My mother says she would have to shun me if I DA. I doubt she really would, but what crap that I would hear it and I won't DA to find out.
Sometimes, I really hate that frigging cult. (Remind me to remove "Sometimes.")
I left a few messages over there myself, needless to say quite a few xjws did as well. My first message got about 30 thumbs up so lm sure the majority must
Be from others who left the jws or some other cult.