The book of Leviticus / A loving God ?. Give me a break..More like a power mad clergy controlling the flock.

by smiddy 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy

    In the first couple of chapters we have various animal,fowl and grain offerings.

    Then their were sin offerings to be made , for the laity and the preists.

    Specific sins and their offerings ,unintentional sins , guilt , burnt offerings ,grain offerings .Geeez what kind of GOD is this?

    Then we have clean and unclean animals ( I thought all of his creation was perfect ? ) not only animals being clean or unclean , but fish and insects as well ?

    And lets not forget the purification of women ( according to the bible {Lev.} women need to be purified , I dont see anywhere in the scriptures that men need to be purified ? I could be wrong ?

    And to me this is one of the dandys of them all : Preists to make a leprosy test .? WHAT ? These are GODS chosen people , the Jews, the Israelites , why do they have leprosy in their midst ! Then they go on about items that are unclean due to leprosy and offerings for the cleansed leper.

    Why are they inflicted with leprosy in the first place ! What a terrible disease to have to contend with back then thousands of years ago , it would be bad enough now with modern medicine and technology , but back then ? horrific.

    Can you equate an all powerfull God of love with the above statements ? I cant


  • quellycatface

    He's not selling himself to me!!

    I truly hated the OT. The Bible readings were SO dull. Nothing to discuss, imo.

    It's amazing how people still listen to all that rubbish.

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