Johannes Greber's book "Communication With the Spirit Word of God -- It's Laws and Purpose" states that, in order to seek God's truth one must cummunicate with the spirit world on a regular basis. According to the Governing Body, they get their teachings from those who have died and been resurrected to heaven (The Watchtower, Jan. 1, 2007, p.28, para.11). Also, it was published that the GB meets on a regular basis, every Wednesday (The Watchtower, May 15, 2008, p.29). The Greber books states that is is best to meet at 8 o'clock in the evening..... so I'm wondering if anyone happens to know at what time the weekly GB meetings are generally held?
Governing Body meetings
by JWOP 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would say it's during business hours, but I have no evidence. I am sure it's 8pm somewhere in the world though even if it's not at HQ. Kate xx
Yeah, it's 8 o'clock somewhere, isn't it, LOL!
They boast about channeling the latest updates from the beyond, so evidently it would be during their meetings as a composite body that they would channel the spirit direction. The only uncertain thing is the method they use. Is it automatic writing? A seance? Table rapping? Ectoplasm?
The Watchtower Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses channel spirit guidance and direction.
They meet on Wednesdays. What time of day, I do not know. But Wednesdays for sure. That's what was told to use at our elders school a couple of years back and repeated by our C.O., then service overseer.
Yes on wednessdays...they always smelled of wine and beer.
kurtbethel - "...evidently it would be during their meetings as a composite body that they would channel the spirit direction."
Kinda like how the kids summoned Captain Planet, huh?
According to the Governing Body, they get their teachings from those who have died and been resurrected to heaven
This sounds strangely like spiritism, occultism to me.
Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m. after morning worship (07:00:00a.m.) and breakfast.