A recent review by Misiek Piskorski, ( Associate professor of Business Administration, at Harvard Business School) of internet use in China, makes some interesting points, in Harvard Business Review
The most striking feature is the sheer volume internet use in China. Close to 600 million users in 2013, and rising. That's still only 44% of the population. (Of course, it is more difficult to discern multi use of a single connection in family situations). If usage rises to 50% of the population, that will add over 130,000,000 new users.
Chinese internet users spend more time on the internet than watching TV, and Piskorski estimates that 75% of users contribute content (compared to 25% in the USA - XJW's must be above average contributors - grin).
Nearly 85% of Chinese users access the web from a mobile device, and some popular services exist only as mobile apps.
E-commerce is popular, on a recent internet shopping day there was a turnover of $5.75 billion.
Piskorshi predicts that the sheer volume and the rise of many competing services on the Chinese version web, will mean that Chinese web innovations will eventually become world leaders.