Religious Experiences Shrink Part of the BrainReligious Experiences Shrink Part of the Brain

by frankiespeakin 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    The article, “Religious factors and hippocampal atrophy in late life,” by Amy Owen and colleagues at Duke Universityrepresents an important advance in our growing understanding of the relationship between the brain and religion. The study, published March 30 in PLoS One, showed greater atrophy in the hippocampus in individuals who identify with specific religious groups as well as those with no religious affiliation. It is a surprising result, given that many prior studies have shown religion to have potentially beneficial effects on brain function, anxiety, and depression.

    A number of studies have evaluated the acute effects of religious practices, such as meditation and prayer, on the human brain. A smaller number of studies have evaluated the longer term effects of religion on the brain. Such studies, like the present one, have focused on differences in brain volume or brain function in those people heavily engaged in meditation or spiritual practices compared to those who are not. And an even fewer number of studies have explored the longitudinal effects of doing meditation or spiritual practices by evaluating subjects at two different time points.

  • Zordino

    So Basically highly religious people "have Brain Like Squirrel " as Borat would say. I Can agree with that :)

  • fulltimestudent

    Thnx for the reference. Interesting!

  • Giordano

    In a high control religion like the JW's it sounds perfectly reasonable that a steady diet of numbing WT publications, repetitive meetings and limiting conversations would eventually limit mental growth.

    When you are constantly told what to think and what to say jack becomes a dull boy over time.

    When I left the confines of the JW construct my 22 year brain grew so fast I ceased to be the dullard I was and instead found that I could think critically, dream and go after a better life then I ever thought possible.

  • Vidiot

    Giordano, I know exacly what you mean.

    The freedom to come to a conclusion - any conclusion - based on logic and reason without being hamstrung by ideology felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.


    " The freedom to come to a conclusion - any conclusion - based on logic and reason without being hamstrung by ideology felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders."

    AMEN!! I may have drank and oxycodoned myself to death, were it not for JWN, JWfacts, an JWstruggle. Being around JWs is like working in a day-care and longing for adult conversation. The only difference is the toddlers can kill you at anytime with telekenisis if you piss them off. Or it's like working in a mental ward where all the patients have ape-like strength and are delusional. You must agree with whatever bats*** crazy thing they say, or they will fall upon you and kill you.

    One wrong word in JW-land can mean death.


  • Vidiot

    Data-Dog, you called it "JW-land".

    I prefer "Watchtowistan".

  • frankiespeakin

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