$1 Million Paranormal Challenge

by rebel8 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Who is James Randi?

    The [James Randi Educational] Foundation is committed to providing reliable information about paranormal claims. It both supports and conducts original research into such claims.

    At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event. The JREF does not involve itself in the testing procedure, other than helping to design the protocol and approving the conditions under which a test will take place. All tests are designed with the participation and approval of the applicant. In most cases, the applicant will be asked to perform a relatively simple preliminary test of the claim, which if successful, will be followed by the formal test. Preliminary tests are usually conducted by associates of the JREF at the site where the applicant lives. Upon success in the preliminary testing process, the "applicant" becomes a "claimant."

    To date, no one has passed the preliminary tests.

    Click here to see the application.

    Click here to see the current $1 million statement which shows the current amount in our prize account.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The Log of Applicants

    Discussion forum re applicants

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    LOL the log of the applicants will make some entertining reading....

  • mynameislame

    From the FAQ

    2.5 Why can’t I submit a religious or spiritual claim?

    Because they are, for the most part, untestable. For example, you can look at a series of events – say surviving an automobile crash, surviving a plane crash, surviving a near-drowning and say “This was the hand of God,” but the point of the Challenge isn’t to give anecdotal evidence. It is to give something testable. Most religious people believe it’s impossible to test God. We’re pretty sure they’re right, though perhaps for different reasons.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury


    You'd think if someone doesnt understand how something is happening they would conduct elimination tests themselves to work thru the possible causes BEFORE jumping straight to telekinesis as the reason and then making a fool of themselves right?

    But noooo,

  • Xanthippe

    Rules and Guidelines

    (4) Why does it appear that you only test persons with very minor and even frivolous claims, and not the prominent "psychic" performers and/or scientists who appear on television and in the media, and who write books about their careers?

    We can only test persons who either apply to become claimants for the million-dollar prize, or who will actually submit themselves to undergoing proper test procedures. The "stars" never do this, and in fact they do anything they can to avoid us and our challenge; they would rather just run on about past glories, point to anecdotal evidence, or grandly ignore our genuine offer to test them. The people who do apply are probably honestly convinced of their abilities, and have no fear of discovery. Where are James Van Praagh, Sylvia Browne, George Anderson, John Edward, and the rest of the current "big names"? And why hasn't Uri Geller, the professional spoon-bender (remember him from the 70s?) snapped up this easy cash? One can only wonder

    I think this is a valid question in the FAQ. Just breaking down Randi's reply so I can see what he is saying.

    The "stars" never do this, and in fact they do anything they can to avoid us and our challenge - the 'stars' haven't applied to the JREF?

    they would rather just run on about past glories - writing about previous successes that have made them well known?

    point to anecdotal evidence - they are not offering evidence to Mr Randi, they are giving unscientifically proven answers to clients?

    or grandly ignore our genuine offer to test them - they haven't applied to the JREF? Is the JREF following them arround?

  • krejames

    You don't need to go to such lengths to find evidence of supernatural abilities. Just watch Troy. I'm convinced he's a wizard ;)

  • cantleave

    Krjames - I really do hope you are Joking, if not you really do need to wake up to the real world. Everything Troy does is explainable as are all the tricks an feats of Derren Brown, Penn and Teller and Paul Daniels.

  • Phizzy

    Paul Daniel's hairpiece is wihout doubt Paranormal.

  • rebel8

    I point out the existence of this challenge as further proof the supernatural world does not exist. There is sufficient motive to come forward with proof, if one has it.

    Here is some more interesting information about this challenge. JREF will work with the Applicant to agree upon what constitutes proof.


    1. This is the primary and most important of these rules: The Applicant must state clearly, in advance, and the Applicant and the JREF must agree upon, what powers or abilities will be demonstrated, the limits of the proposed demonstration so far as time, location and other variables are concerned, and what will constitute both a positive and a negative result.
    2. Only an actual performance of the stated nature and scope, within the agreed-upon limits, will be accepted. Anecdotal accounts or records of previous events are not acceptable.
    3. The Applicant agrees that all materials and peripheral properties (photographic, recorded, written, etc.) gathered as a result of the test procedure, the protocol, and the actual testing, may be used freely by the JREF.
    4. In all cases, the Applicant will be required to perform a Preliminary Test in a location where a properly authorized representative of the JREF can attend. This Preliminary Test is intended to determine if the Applicant is likely to perform as promised during the Formal Test, using the agreed-upon protocol. To date, no applicant has passed the Preliminary Test, and therefore no Formal Test has yet been conducted. At any time prior to the Formal Test, the JREF reserves the right to re-negotiate the protocol if issues are discovered that would prevent a fair and unbiased test. After an agreement is reached on the protocol, no part of the testing procedure may be changed in any way without an amended agreement, signed by all parties concerned....

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