According to many Christian churches including WBTC, the very cores of Christian believes, is about how God (Jehova) sacrifice his one borne son, so that every obedient mankind who believe in him could be released from sin and thereby have the hope of eternal life. The Bible is full of scriptures given this indication. (Gal. 4:4 1th Tim. 3:16 John 14:30 a.s.f)
So a Father (in heavens) sends his firstborn son down to earth, to sacrifice his perfect soul and body so that all mankind could be forgiven and have a better life.
What happened? Jesus did not become older than 33-35 years of age before those people in the time, killed him, tortured him, and humiliated him. Spit on him. His own followers didn´t try to protect him. And finally the Roman soldiers put him on a stake (cross) between two thieves/robbers, to die a very painful death.
Now when he was death, all humans who believed in him, was in a very much better position towards God. Their sins were forgiven and they had the prospect of everlasting life in the heavens or on earth.
Where is the logic! How can humans benefit from the very tragically death of the son of God? How can we be excused for killing a relatively young men in this way?
If I were God I should become furious, and let my angels cast burning stones and sulfur on the entire earth. I should extinguish every trace of the human race, since they obviously (proven) were very bad creatures.
Can anyone help me understand the Ethical, moral and Philosophical aspect of this problem?