Females Superior?

by metatron 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron


    Wow! Who knew?

    Although I could see many females I know being good at sniping (ebay, you know)


  • snowbird

    Why, yes, of course!

    We are better at everything - eyes in the back of our heads, sixth sense, etc.

    I think it's because we were designed to bear and rear offspring, and God knows it takes everything we've got, and then some, to accomplish this feat.




    ...................................Husbands Know First Hand..Never Piss Off a Woman..


    ......She capable of waitng for the right moment..

    .........................To Deal With You..


    ..........................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    LOL @ Outlaw.



  • Vidiot

    My wife can sure multitask better than me.

  • Vidiot

    Outlaw - "Husbands Know First Hand..Never Piss Off a Woman.. She capable of waitng for the right moment.. To Deal With You.."

    Too true, man.

    You ever hear this old story by Sam Kinison? You gotta listen to it all the way to the end.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley
  • Watkins

    In certain instances - and certain women - absolutely! We're not all cut out with the same cookie cutter, though. But - are we stuck in the 1950's? I'd like to see the day when this isn't a newsworthy thing. My dad died when I was young, so my mom raised me alone. She taught me by doing it - a woman can do absolutely anything they set their minds to. She taught me how to fix the lawn mower as well as how to knit! She would've been a great sniper, if she'd wanted to. :)

    Why should gender figure into it when men OR women do things in which they excell? I really would love to live long enough to see it - when no one is surprised that women can do anything they want to do and do it well.

    I used to target shoot from time to time and was pretty good - better than some of the guys. Then I had to hear their excuses - male pride! We women are often times made more competative because the standards have been set by men. So we might feel the need to 'do it as well as any man'. And we do - so it's not a gender thing, it's a human thing. But some people haven't caught onto that yet. ;)


  • Zordino

    Females are Superior at being irrational and illogical. . . That is a fact.

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