if and when beliefs are "refined"(corrected) does that give me an out?

by ?me? 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ?me?

    did my baptism include "you will preach and accept any change, big or small, or we can call you an apostate?"

    meaning, has anyone, or could anyone opt out of the org when they make changes that you did not originally agree to when you were baptized as a JW?

    i have basically refused to go out in service or support the org (with money or in the rbc) and i have a real hard time even conjuring up an answer at any meeting because of the 8 man "body " that put itself in power. plus the crazy reworking of the generations teaching.

  • mynameislame

    You can leave any time you like but they will shun you if you talk against them.

    If thats a problem for you then no you don't have an out.

    No loopholes for the RNF (rank and file) plenty of loopholes for the changing doctrines.

  • Honesty

    Your baptism talk included a question that you had to provide a "Yes!" answer to in order to get yourself dunked.

    According to the footnote on page in the April 15, 1987 Watchtower article "Gaining Peace With God Through Dedication and Baptism" your "yes" answer indicated that you had FULL COMPREHENSION of what is involved in coming into INTIMATE relationship with God and his earthly organization.

    You can leave but you will get shunned even if you don't DA or get DF'd.

    The cult had an army of lawyers draw up the baptismal questions so that they can enforce shunning if a rank & file member figures out it is BS and decides to maake an exit.

    You are screwed if you open your mouth.

    The best way out is to fade and feign depression or an illness such as fibromyalgia when you encounter the thought police and they encourage you to return to the vomit.

  • ?me?

    funny thing is that as a teen and young adult, i loved the bible and the words in it, i even like the strict morals that are expected of me as a witness. i laugh at other "christians" that attend easter or christmas services then fornicate or do other unchristian things.

    but as i get older, i do not care about all the "deeper things" that the WT cares about. i don't care to try to decipher revelations, or wonder what paradise will be like or if i will pet a lion, or care what the hebrew root word for love means to me today. and i certainly don't need a bunch of unwritten laws and inside standards to shame me into getting priviledges or being able to "READ" the watchtower for the congregation on sunday . ( something that was taken away a few years ago ,never explained , or never ever mentioned to me why or how i could get back on the list)

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    The answers to your questions are:

    No, your response to the baptismal questions did not include the recognition that changing anything would be cause to nullify your dedication to the ORG, not God mind you, the ORG

    and NO, no one that I have ever met has ever, ever, ever, ever, infinity...been able to cut the ties by stating that they didn't sign up for whatever.

    When you are in...you are in. If you choose to leave, you must be aware of the impending ramifications. These will be swift and decisive. No army has ever tolerated dissension within its ranks.

    Usually only two options. You leave or you stay. With one, you will be more than likely cut off by anyone and everyone. With the other, you can adjust it to your situation. Some will marginalize you due to their fear or superiority. Others will tolerate you because they won't know how to react. Others, still, will keep you in their good graces cause they simply won't care.


  • Giordano

    Think of a quiet fade as bailing out the bad water from a well and allowing the sweet water to flow in. It's not a slow process but a life changing process. By the time your finished you've got good water, your stronger and everything is in balance and focus.

  • professor

    The Witness baptism is not a baptism, it's an initiation into the club. Now yes, the club got you there under false pretenses (no paradise Earth by promised time) (promise was misattributed to the Creator) etc. etc. But the club ain't lettin' ya out honorably. It's kinda like the mob.

  • Phizzy

    Cults shoot their wounded. Simple as that.

    There is, and never will be, a way to leave with dignity and without pain.

    If the WT allowed any sort of easy way to leave, how many do you think would stay ?

    Mind you, with all the changes, if ever a JW urges me to go back, I shall say "I cannot return, the religion I left no longer exists ! "

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