RIP, resurrection, and long dead ones

by Jon Preston 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    I apologize in advance if any get offended but...

    I had a morbid thought. if dead ones are resurrected to heaven when they die, why bury the body? Or if they are in soul sleep, wheres the soul when a body has decayed to nothing but bones and hair? Jesus will regenerate tissue? Disturbing to think about.

  • Apognophos

    why bury the body?

    What else are they supposed to do with the bodies?

    Jesus will regenerate tissue?

    What old preacher was it who said that there would be dust flying through the air when people were resurrected, in order to reform the decayed bodies with the material they were made of in life? Seems kind of unnecessary, but okay.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Well theres this other thing like cremation....pretty much follows the same path toward the "to the dust you shall return" motif....just at a faster rate. id imagine its much easier (forgive this next comment) to just pour your loved one on the floor for Jesus to rematerialize than digging them out....just saying.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Especially since theres so much work to be done post armageddon and resurrection, growing to perfection and all...if your a dub.

  • sir82

    Why bury the body? Well considering the alternative is open decay and the rapid spread of disease among the living, seems to be the most practical choice, wouldn't you agree?

    Regenerate tissue? Well, if you are a Bible believer, Jesus would have had to do just that for Lazarus. After 4 days, there would certainly have been some form of decay after 4 days in a cave in Israel.

    Not much difference, in my mind, in regenerating tissue 4 days decayed vs. generating new tissue long after it had decayed.

    It's al a fairy tale anyway, but even if you believe, why would any of this be "disturbing"?

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Well does that make us more decent than J -Bone? I mean rev says the birds will feast on the flesh of all the bodies left my the big A......guess jesus wont have time or jeed to bury them or clean up after the mess they will make...

  • carla

    Seeing as you come from a jw backround you probably won't get this but I like this-

    We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

    jw's in general cannot wrap their heads around the soul, the body being nothing but a shell, and so forth. If you can't contemplate a spiritual being/person/body then you won't get my post at all. In the past trying to discuss any of this with my jw is like one speaking Greek and the other Japanese and expecting the other to understand anything at all, that's if the jw doesn't run from the room with fingers in ears singing "lalalalalalalala, I'm not listening!" (not that you would do such as thing as you are here with an open mind)

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    I absolutely get your point. When you see a dead body, it looks....empty. And i would believe theres some sort of soul or "life force" before i believe youre just literally sleeping....last time i checked your brain is MOsT active during sleep.....right?

    Im not sure entirely what my beliefs are...i have some neat ideas but just ideas. Beliefs are dangerous IMO....people kill for it, shun for it, hurt others....

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