So as I was looking for a qoute for another topic I was reading I came across this little gem. Notice the "great" reasoning used which is in bold type.
*** w83 7/15 p. 24 par. 11 “Seek Peace and Pursue It” ***
11 The Scriptures, backed up by the modern-day experience of Jehovah’s Witnesses, make it plain that it is inadvisable for individual Christians to carry, or have in their possession at home or in other locations, a firearm or other lethal weapon for use against human attackers or intruders. (Isaiah 2:4; 1 Peter 3:11) One who prepares for violence invites violence. Rather, the Christian’s main trust should be in Jehovah, his God.—Psalm 18:48; 140:1, 4; Proverbs 3:5-7.
Kind of makes a lie of Proverb 22: 3 by that statement.
So by that line of reasoning all the jw's who are poor are that way because they prepared to be poor and a burden on society! No wonder there is no way the average jw will help any fellowman who is going through hard times. It is the person who suffers own fault they are in dire straights.