What do you think of this picture? A friend of mine posted this on her facebook page. She is not a JW and has never been one. She is a "Christian" and goes to a main stream church.
It makes me sad to see this, because I remember being this kid.
by elder-schmelder 4 Replies latest jw friends
What do you think of this picture? A friend of mine posted this on her facebook page. She is not a JW and has never been one. She is a "Christian" and goes to a main stream church.
It makes me sad to see this, because I remember being this kid.
Tell her to listen to her child and ask why the child might feel this way? Is it unreasonable to think that children should not be forced to make any religious decisions until they are adults? Sure parents should have the right to bring their children up as they see best, but without penalties.
I can understand kids being bored at church, it's just being raised as a Dub you learn that they are the only true religion and have to go knocking on door to announce that. I've often wondered if I was raised a Baptist (as my UberDub mother was) or any other religion would I have the same feelings about religion that I have now.
What kid wants to sit nicely through ANY adult "seminar" with uncomfortable clothes and shoes? Do you sincerely think that a kid with this level of writing skills really has an issue with religion? We don't know what denomination of church this is, but generally mosts adherents put in an hour to an hour and a half max in 7 days... not nearly what the JW kids endure.
Shirley... I've wondered the same in reverse. Trying to imagine the opposite makes my brain hurt.
My perception of religion is open and the freedom I've always had makes me curious about what I don't know. Studying hermeneutical contrasts is fascinating to me. The notion of locking in and declaring one denomination more righteous than another seems inherently judgmental. Is that who we're supposed to be?
Most churches have separate programs for kids that are this age, and a lot of kids really think it is fun. My daughter used to love her Sunday School class when she was that little.
I would actually be asking questions about who is tending the children while I'm in church service. They could just have a mean teacher, or there could be a bully in class. My son freaked out about his Sunday School class once, and we figured out it was because he was just scared of his teacher. She was very big and even though she really is a kind and loving lady, she intimidated him.
I was pretty worried when he had this reaction about going to his class. (WHAT are they doing to him???) He and I went to talk in private, and were able to let the other teacher know about his worries. "She's just so BIG!!" (I was so embarrassed but also wanted to laugh out loud from relief).
About this drawing: Who is Bibi & why is Bibi crying? Could the child just be sad to leave a friend?