Apart from being generally sad I can't understand why they chose a song that was already quite pure!
Virtue makes you beautiful: Mormon 1D parody
by stuckinlimbo 8 Replies latest jw friends
Pyramid God
I couldn't make it past 30 seconds...
That was pretty funny.
So were a couple others linked to at the end; "I Knew You were Mormon When You Walked In", and "Mormon Style".
Quite disturbing.
I am wondering how they keep the negative comment off of the video?
If this was JW video there would be two JW comments and 500 x-jw ones.
Yes I thought it was strange there were hardly any neg comments! And it was hard to watch the entire thing Will check out the other vids against my better judgement lol
Apart from being very good-looking, these guys have very beautiful voices.
Definetely I joined the wrong cult.
BUMPED for a new generation of forum members... This is so cringe-worthy!
With the popularity of JW broadcasts, how long will it be before some witness youths do something like this?
Oh, and here is an interesting review of this attempted music video:
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@mynameislame and @stuckinlimbo I've listened to an ex-Mormon activist state in an interview that family ties are promoted strongly in the LDS church, even if members leave or apostatize against the group. The underlying values of the church include family quite high up on the list, which is why you may find there are less angry/bitter and outspoken Mormon apostates. Families are left to communicate with ex members according to his or her conscience and without being reprimanded for doing so. Kudos to the leadership of that religion for actually leaving families alone.