by D8TA 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    Okay….I guess I will throw this out there.

    I don’t really post whether or not I send e-mails or snail mail to media outlets about the current pedophile issue with the WTBTS. I do. I just refrain from posting on such threads because this is an issue, which often prompts me to turn my “colorful language” in to a very big rainbow. Believe me, I am restraining myself as of now with this post.

    I suggest, along with your e-mails to various forms of media, that you include the WTBTS view on LYING AND THEOCRATIC WARFARE.

    When you send your donations to various people in need of financial assistance with their battle against the WTBTS lawyers, send information to their legal counsel about the WTBTS view on LYING AND THEOCRATIC WARFARE.

    Use the WTBTS own words to destroy the WTBTS credibility. WTBTS specifically views that they can deceive anyone they deem an “enemy” or who is “persecuting” them. Which in turn, they will LIE to the people, media, and governments of this world.

    Why…oh WHY doesn’t any legal counsel use these PRINTED ARTICLES BY THE WTBTS to destroy the credibility of the WTBTS? Why use testimony of people, when the testimony of the WTBTS speaks for itself?

    People, the WTBTS is ADMITTING in these articles THAT THEY ARE LIARS. That the WTBTS in their own words will LIE to cover their …..butts. To ANYONE, INCLUDING THEIR OWN FLOCK! (God, grant me the strength to keep this in a “gray” language, for I feel that “rainbow” of words beginning to emerge-LOL).

    So please, include the WTBTS THEOCRATIC WARFARE articles to back up your statements, when writing/typing to various media forms.


  • metatron

    By God, Yes! You grasp the critical point missed by these
    idiot shills and defenders of the Society!

    If someone is a liar, you can't trust them. They don't have
    credibility. You shouldn't let them near your wallet, wife,
    or kids because nothing they say can be relied on as true.

    Worse, if they officially ADVISE you that they are liars
    (Theocratic War Strategy) and you don't listen, YOU ARE A FOOL.

    Is this too deep to understand? Is the message getting thru?
    Is any of this too complicated for poor Witness brains to

    I guess so...


  • 4christ

    excellent suggestion! That really is the bottom line: by their own admission, they are liars. Why should anyone believe anything the WT says? Thier credibility is completely shot.

  • LizardSnot

    Very good point D8TA,
    I vaguely remember the "right to lie" article. Was that in the Watchtower or Awake?
    And where was it?
    Your help would be much appreciated.


  • Quotes

    Here are some to get you started:

    This should be used by every lawyer that faces a JW in court!

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out:

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