Look at the recent videos that this bunch of old out of touch with reality Governing Body has spent time and money(Corporation assets) on. Telling the deaf how disqusting Jehovah finds looking at you masterbate(clearly a sign of some sort of childish magical thinking) and the one where they throw a little tots gift toy in the garbage because Jehovah(corporation's sock puppet) don't like magic, making the the poor kid feel like he will shrivel up and die of old age like Adam & Eve did at 900+ years old, if he don't hurry up and get rid of that cheap plastic wizzard toy that might perhaps be demonized or something.
I'm telling you guy these guys are trapped into making bad decision because of this imaginary friend. Expect much more in the way of infantile decision making from these delusional individuals. Notice too that they are against higher education and the infantile bible study articles they print and you have some idea of their lack of maturity and understanding of the real world and how it really works. How can they make good decisions effecting the corporation when they are in denial big time, they need to seriously wake up and smell the coffee burning.