If you think about how they word and spin doctor everything, such as on Jw org, the FAQ about shunning members who leave the religion....If a JW says, "look, it says you don't shun ex members and family ties remain no matter what!", they will say, "na ah ah!! if you look CLOSELY it talks about inactive ones who are not shunned, and as for family, the example is of a husband in the same household as his wife and children. But we all know those who leave ARE shunned and if they don't reside in the same household, they are also shunned. Infact the recent WT says even emailing is not allowed".
Now......if a 'non jw' asks about shunning, saying, "I heard you shun ex members and if family members leave, they are also shunned", they will say that's a lie, look at JW.org. See how it says a person who doesn't go to meetings and service anymore is not shunned? And see how it says if a family member leaves, the spirital ties are severed but blood ties remain and normal family affections can continue?"
The material when you see how they can spin them both ways, looks to me like a lawyer who writes the 'small print' of a contract. A person is misled on a sale, service, contract, agreement, etc, when they say "you should have read the fine print", or "well it doesn't actually claim that, it looks that way but if you read it closely, it really never said that", etc.
What do you all think?