Please read and write in your thoughts on this issue.
Lee Elder
by Lee Elder 2 Replies latest watchtower medical
Please read and write in your thoughts on this issue.
Lee Elder
Marking. Thank you, Lee.
I am an australian and not up to speed with this health debate. However it appears , and correct me if I am wrong ,that certain religous groups object to the govt. over riding a parents decision to withhold certain medical procedures from a minor on religous grounds , even when the medical profession beleive it is in the best interest and well being for a minor to receive such treatment , even life saving.
Quote from Steve Hassan : "I am all for praying for healing , and respecting peoples rights to beleive , but I beleive freedom to think and have free will is at the heart of all religion "
When religions use tactics to pressurise and coerce their members into complying with their dictates/interpretations of scripture with the threat of expulsion , or being ostracised by other members and family including shunning , in effect holding them to ransom over their religion , that is totally unacceptable.
I often wonder if the parents of the children, whose face appeared on the 1984 ? AWAKE, in effect depicting them as martrys, giving up their life for the Jehovahs Witness religion , by refusing blood transfusions , have any regrets , guilt trips , or psychological problems, for encouraging them in their decision .That was a time when the policy was more stricter than it is now.
How many of those children would still be alive, if they had received blood fractions today , which are now permissable.