Hello Hilda,
You have put me in an awkward position. I don't know if you have experienced it or not, but when someone violates social protocol and you have to be the one to tell them, well, it just leaves a bad taste. Yet, you are doing them no favor to leave them with egg on their face, doing something that just isn't done by someone like them. In these days of class consciousness, it is especially difficult to tell someone they are getting above themselves, taking on priviliges that are, well, simply not available to them. How to do it, if you will excuse the phrase, discreetly? I will attempt to make this as easy as possible. Maybe some Watchtower Speak will help. Hmmmm. See if this sounds familiar....
The other sheep, showing the humble attitude....They always do good to these brothers of the King, doing so as if to Him. On the other hand, the anointed remnant love these other sheep of the King. Since they must serve with justice, they safeguard the right of these ‘strangers within the gates of the organization’ and do not begrudge them service positions of responsibility such as they have enjoyed in God’s visible organization since 1935.
Notice, "SERVICE POSITIONS" Ok??? Or maybe this will help:
25 Ho, then, you dedicated, baptized Christians who were typified by those ancient Rechabites! You, like them, must keep away from overindulgence, from false worship and from getting mixed up with this world, making it your friend. (Jas. 4:4; 1 John 2:15-17) Keep imitating Jonadab the son of Rechab in displaying zeal for Jehovah and opposition to modern Baal worship, that you may see Jehovah by means of his Greater Jehu, Jesus Christ, destroy Christendom and all other false religions. With Rechabite-like faithfulness, carry out your dedication to the Sovereign Lord Jehovah and take your part in furthering the interests of his glorious kingdom by Christ. This will aid you to hold onto the liberation from this doomed world that you have gained, until it is no more. Using your blessed freedom according to God’s will, you will not be "cut off" when he expresses his vengeance against this wicked world and all its friends, but you will stand approved before him and be rewarded with life on a paradise earth under his Son’s kingdom. Great will be the joy with which the remnant of the Jeremiah class will elatedly rejoice over you!
There now, what could be more clear and simple.
Also, never forget Stay Alive Till 75, oops, I meant never forget the great date of 1932:
In 1932 this class was identified with Jonadab, who gladly joined with King Jehu in his chariot on his way to the execution of Baal worshipers, picturing the execution of all false worshipers at the destruction of Babylon the Great and at Armageddon. It was stressed that the way was still open for interested people to join in the service of the King Jesus Christ, the Greater Jehu, in his chariotlike organization.
Now all of those above are YOU. They (the Brothers of Christ) do allow you to serve though and they don't begrudge you your position.
"Since they must serve with justice, they safeguard the right of these ‘strangers within the gates of the organization’ and do not begrudge them service positions of responsibility such as they have enjoyed in God’s visible organization since 1935."
Hmmm, I thought it was '32? Must be new light. Anyway.
Now here are how the "Apples of Jehovah"s Eye" are described:
w78 3/1 :
When the spiritual Israelites drink from this cup, they become sharers with Jehovah respecting Christ’s blood that validates the new covenant. By this gesture the spiritual Israelites show that they worship Jehovah as their God and do not idolize any demon as god. Jehovah accepts Christ’s blood as that which puts the new covenant in force. Likewise the drinkers of the Memorial cup accept Christ’s blood as the life that he poured out in sacrifice for them to get God’s forgiveness of sins through that covenant.
They sound almost normal, now don't they?
Now this is the crux of it. They are in the Covenant, you are not. They can sign Freddy Franz in Christ, you can't. Hate to be blunt, but there it is. They get the benefits of the Ransom, and over the thousand years will give you as much as they decide to "render" after you have proven yourself. So it comes down to this. You are NOT Hilda in Christ. You are a Starving Egyptian who is allowed to serve some person named You Know in Christ or somesuch. Ok? Now let's not have to have this discussion again. Come in the back door, never speak to the Brothers of Christ without grabbing a forelock, always remember who YOU are and who they are ok? One more thing, don't EVER EVER forget how humble and modest they are, in fact talk about it a lot. You might mention it to some of the other Gibeonites. Sigh, Ten men holding to the skirt of a Jew, it must grow so tiresome for them to carry such a load. Don't make them throw you out of the Chariot.
So from now on, just plain Hilda will do Ok?