Once again Stupid.. I Read this book today about how evolution Works, blah, blah... Once again evolution shows it's ignorance and it got started by foolish humans Who knoweth nothing at all...
They Say Rainbows Only Come out When and after it rains.. Bs, Cause just month I seen 2 Rainbows together in the sky, In the afternoon, and it did not rain at all, infact it was'nt suppose to rain anyway... The facts: Rainbows Are from YahWeh, But Since Christ is King right now, He Brings out the Rainbows, cause it's love and it's a sign of righteous.... So Evolution can kiss my ass..
BTW Y"ALL I was praying To Jehovah God & Jesus Christ today, that I hope one day before armageddon, Can you bring out Some Rainbows at night.. That would be Cool, can y'all picture that? At night When the moon is full, 2 Big Rainbows Will Change into a Heart around the moon, to show the Righteous ones, that We will be save