Scientology is a Lot Like Watchtower in Breaking Up Family

by OnTheWayOut 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    I saw this on Facebook and knew it should be here. While I am confident that my JW loved ones wouldn't take a look at it, maybe someone here can show it to their JW's and they will see how shunning family is awful when they are looking at a situation exactly like that of Watchtower.

    A report at

    mentions this ABC Good Morning America story:

    Start at the jwreport link.

  • problemaddict

    OTWO, read "Going Clear". It was a well written, entertaining, and thorough look into Scientologys history, its connection to Hollywood, and more. I would highly recommend it.

    When i read it, it was immediately clear that "disconnection" and "disfellowshipping" are the same thing. In fact DFing might be a bit worse. I am not sure how JW's are not getting the same treatment. There are so many more of them! But Scientology has the hollywood factor I suppose.

    In the report you linked, they even call Rinder and Mathburn (read the book i recommended), APOSTATES.

    Its quite interesting.

  • problemaddict

    Just to add one thought. Scientology also plays the same semantical game JWs do.

    We donot force anyone to disconnect, is what they say. So anyone that does it, is doing it because that is their choice. SAME THING with JW's as recently as the 2013 convention, and numerous armchair apologists online.

  • cultBgone

    Any religion which promotes shunning can in no way be connected to the love of God or the Universe. Shunning is all about Control...not Love!

  • WTWizard

    With the new Grand Boasting Session program, I believe the jokehovians will degrade to the level of the Scientologists themselves. Putting that communist government before everything else? The titles of the talks suggest that they are going to start cracking down on things such as money, health, fun, and even eating and drinking. Moving where the need is greater? That is starting to sound more like the Boston Movement! As is putting the communist government ahead of courtship and marriage--telling people who they can date.

    And that is BEFORE Saturn even gets into Sagittarius. If it is already this bad now, just think how bad 2015 is going to be. Many will catch Saturn in Sagittarius before June 15 or after September 18. And, there is 2016 and 2017 to merge with the Boston Movement or Twelve Tribes cults, or become even worse than either. No longer is the jokehovian merely akin to the Mor[m]ons or Seventh Day Adventists (both cults that are often merely thought of as high control groups) or the born agains (just on the other side of the high control group/cult line).

  • OnTheWayOut

    Problemaddict, I will take a look at that. Thanks.

    CultBgone, nice thought.

    WTW, Watchtower is definitely pushing further and further away from becoming a mainstream religion and revealing it's cultish self.

  • neverendingjourney

    I've always wondered whether growing up a Scientologist would have been worse than growing up a Witness. I'm fairly certain I would have been better off growing up a Mormon.

    Battle of the cults, if you will.


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