1) Suppose you were standing out in the sun and God told you: “It is not good for you to stand out in the sun. Look at these animals—they are standing under the shade of a tree." Then you moved to the shade of the tree God pointed to. While you were enjoying the shade, the tree collapsed giving you serious injuries all over your body.
Now compare this to what is reported in Genesis. “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’ Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.” (Genesis 2:18, 22) [Surprisingly, such a great event as creation of woman is given in just one sentence whereas her menstrual discharge is dealt in great detail.—Leviticus 15:19-33; 18:19; 20:18 ….]. Within no time, the woman whom God supposedly thought as the very “helper,” leads a rebellion against God bringing misery upon herself and humanity. (Genesis 3)
2) God chose a Nation as His own people who only became “killer of prophets,” including His only-begotten son. (Mathew 23:37)
3) God was giving “power” to Jesus to perform miracles. (Luke 5:17) First miracle (turning water into wine) and the greatest miracle (resurrecting Lazarus, performed towards the end of his ministry) are not known to the early Gospel writers. This greatest of all miracles, like other countless miracles, accomplished nothing: Resurrected Lazarus never came in support of Jesus who was being falsely tried by the religious and political establishment of that time, nor after Jesus’s resurrection, to preach, like Apostle Paul, who was a persecutor of Christians to start with. Contrast this with criminals, who, througout history, have been ready to risk their lives in support of their leaders who were in trouble!
The way PUNY Bible writers portray God reminds us of some humans who makes only wrong moves in a Chess game, or those who start large-scale industries only to make losses! Bible writers mostly prove to be false friends of God to author such a book which ultimately divided Christians into over 40,000 fractions, each trying to prove the other wrong! And it looks funny that WT Society takes “two-edged sword” against anyone who does not believe that EVERY verse of the Bible is inspired of God!
For an objective reader, Bible is like a forest that contains wild lives of all kinds, yet is a home for some of the most beautiful, fragrant flowers also, such as Deuteronomy 10:17; Isaiah 3:10, 11; Mathew 5:44-48; 1 John 4:7, 8.