I received this magazine from an acquaintance last week. This particular article caught my interest. Although it is clearly supposed to make me feel happy for this handicapped woman, who has shown such strength and stamina in serving Jehovah, it really just makes me angry and sad.
The article appears on pages 7-9 of the public Watchtower. "Finding Strength in My Weakness," the story of Maite Morlans.
She was hospitalized in a sanitarium when she was 10, baptized when she was 14, with only Bible publications and her JW upbringing to comfort her through many years of pain and crippling illness. She was in a wheelchair for most of her life, and shares stories of a bad car accident, and the time when out in field service, the sister who accompanied her, let go of her long enough to send her rolling out of control down a hill and into a parked car.
She is so proud to do her telephone witnessing, even though she looks so weak at 65 pounds... It is sad to see that the WTS is proud to exploit her in this way. Not only are they shamelessly sucking every last bit of energy out of this poor woman, they are using her as a proud display of the way they treat their followers. There is no mention in her entire article, about love or care that she gets from other JWs or from the society... only the hope she has for a better life later. She closes her story with the following lines:
There are many things in life I cannot do. I call them my pending wishes. Often I close my eyes and open my private “window” into the new world that God promises. (2 Peter 3:13)
I imagine myself healthy, walking about and enjoying life to the full. I take to heart King David’s words: “Hope in Jehovah; be courageous and strong of heart.” (Psalm 27:14)
Although my body has become more and more fragile, Jehovah has made me strong.
So let this be a lesson to anyone who feels like they are tiring out from all the work for the Kingdom... if Maite can do 60 hours a month as a pioneer, why can't YOU!?
And to anyone in the public, who might actually read this magazine... JW's are happy to put you to work, no matter what condition you are in. There is a place for you in Jehovah's organization!