Jehovah's Witnesses ..already in the 13th century

by MacHislopp 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    Don't be surprised but it is…
    true. Let's read:
    " It is quite evident that the early Waldenses were
    faithful witnesses of Jehovah ; and following are some of their leading teachings:

    "1. Only the Holy Scriptures is to
    be believed in matters pertaining to salvation. …"

    Not bad…do you agree? What about the
    point: "…Only the Holy Scriptures.."??
    Finally what about the - modern - Jehovah's Witnesses ,
    do they all accept the n° 1 - teaching -???

    (The quote comes from the book:
    "Theocratic Aid to Kingdom Publishers"
    Lesson 78, page 307 .-
    Published by the WTBS Inc. in 1945).

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Xander

    Well, that's some fascinating revisionist history.

    And, heck, find a couple thousand more like em, and you'll be well on your way to having a faithful line of followers from the time of the gospels to the present.

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • Haereticus

    If my memory serves me well there was a reference to Waldesians, might well have been QfR or like. But the idea was a continuous line of JW's through the times. I could buy that basic idea, but how about continuous line on Borgs/GB's?

  • LDH

    There was an article--someone who has the CD should be able to find it easily.

    The WBTS attempts to revise history and declare the Waldenses and the Anabaptists "JWs ahead of their time" is nothing more than a ruse to discredit apostates.

    The WBTS states "Jehovah always works through an organization" bla bla bla but are never able to state where this "organization" was between the death of Christ and the birth of Charles Craze Ratherflawed.

    Also by citing these examples, I keep in mind that there are NO Waldenses or Anabaptists around today to dispute the JW claims.

    Interesting, eh?


  • Makena1

    I seem to remember a talk from many years ago that basically said, Jehovah has always had a visible representative on earth. When Adam and Eve sinned, it was the angels with the flaming sword - after Jesus and the apostles died off there were even in the "darkest times" a few who were trying to follow the Bible and worship God the best that they could = glimmers of future light......zzzzzzzzzzzzz


    Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money.
    - Mark Twain

  • hillary_step

    As the Catholic Church estimates the number of the Waldenses, whom the WTS refer to as faithfull Jehovah's Witnesses, as being 150,000 at its most fervent, it surely once again displays the WTS customary theological stupidity to then insist that only the first 144,000 adherents from Pentecost 33CE onward go to heaven.

    According to the WTS some of those destined for heavenly life are still alive, which makes for some very peculiar mathematics.

    Only an elitism with no boundaries can lead to such a blatant disregard for reason. Well, at least we know that there are no scarcity of clowns in the Brooklyn circus, now can we have someone shot out of a cannon please?

    Best regards - HS

  • Satanus


    Modern day baptists, and mennonites are directly descended, religiously, from the anabaptists.


  • RunningMan

    I certainly hope the JW's suffer the same eventuality as their forerunners, the Waldenses and Anabaptists - extinction.

  • FrankRaven

    MacHislopp...Bible tells us that Satan was a lier from the beginning.....that being said I read WatchTower Stuff and quote their stuff,but I'd never,ever,trust anything the WatchTower writes.Satan is a lier from the beginning and so is WatchTower material.

    "It is not a form of religious persecution to say and
    to show that another religion is false
    as being false, thus allowing persons to see the
    difference between false religion and true religion."
    (Watchtower 11/15/63, p 688)

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