Prepare to be pissed . Scan of 1994 Awake magazine on Children who died because of Blood issue
by Watchtower-Free 8 Replies latest watchtower medical
Band on the Run
It is revolting. Why did judges allow these children to die?
Ain't you a lawyer ? Go figure it out
FatFreek 2005
Wasblind, that appears to be an unfair and cruel question you posed to BOTR. I gleaned from your order to BOTR that s(he) somehow bore some responsibility for the judgments made simply because of BOTRs profession.
S(he) made (and should be allowed to make) a passing or pedestrian comment and has made a ton of them on this forum, many of them very insightful on a wide variety of legal topics.
I hope I'm wrong on this and apologize in advance if that is the case.
This is a very sad magazine. Those that allowed family members to die have a burden that will remain for their whole lives.
I cannot imagine the turmoil of letting a loved one die, and the eventually learning TTATT. That burden would be far too great for me.
Apology accepted FatFreek
It's very creepy. The title of youth who put God first evokes images of putting aside paper route money to donate to the ministry, or something like that. Then a reading of the article describes a disgusting practice of child sacrifice because these people are tricked into it by some crafty Bible interpretation. Religion just can't get more foul than that.
When I tell people about this, they are appalled.