
by manda63 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • manda63

    Got approached by a Brethren the other day who started to engage me in conversation about christianity I thought at first that he was a GB witness but turned out not when I explained to him that I thought he was one he said no no not one of those that lie and decieve he represented a True religion that only those that follow will get ever lasting life etc They apparently stick to first century teachings and when I said followers of the Governing Body also claim this so he explained how they differ;

    Brethren - 1/ Clergy Dont lie about not having paid clergy as they actually dont have paid clergy the only exception being Missionary`s who are sponsored

    2/ Neck ties-not worn as they are pagan

    3/ radios,tv and computers not allowed

    4/ crosses not on display at meeting rooms- I stopped him here and said neither do the Watchtower Church have the cross on show as they rightly or wrongly believe Jesus to have been put to death on a stake

    5/ Evangalizing done but no time sheets kept for high up to clergy to view -no need higher authority in God who knows what you are doing

    6/ everybody reads the bible in full unlike Witness`s who tend to just read a paragraph highlighted by the watchtower that could be taken out of context-interesting point

    7/ Dont give False and endless made up dates for the End time although firmly believe it is coming soon but only God knows exactly when

    8/ would not shun a family member who leaves the church but couldnt eat or drink in the same room

    9/ Not allowed to take up arms in war

    He also mentioned that in his on mind from bible reading and knowledge of first century christians that cremation could be a sin as it is pagan and only brought in centuries later with mainstream christianity but then so could wedding rings(bands) be classed as pagan. Twisting three bits of string together at wedding ceremonys is also apparently pagan as it is bringing together the elements in "the old religion"

    Interesting fellow so just thought I would post

  • bemused

    Well, I applaud them for reading the bible in full, but numbers 2 and 3 give the game away - they are seriously wacko. I wonder how many of them use SatNavs and don't realise that that device is a computer?

  • cofty

    I have a number of friends who were raised Bretheren. It is a damaging cult.Some local meetings are more strict than others. There is an interview on YouTube by Dawkins with a woman scientist who wad raised in the cult.

    They have had their charitable status removed in UK.

  • suavojr

    They have had their charitable status removed in UK. wow!

    If that could only happen to the WT cofty

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Brethren, & Cistern!!

  • manda63

    Didnt ask about the charital status thing but guess he would have used that to illustrate a prophecy of the world turning against his true religion as no doubt the watchtower church would if it found itself stripped of its charity status. Point 1 interesting, 2+3 strange, not sure about 6 becouse im sure a lot of witnesses do read the bible not just snippits.

    He didnt leave me with an urge to convert to his faith,nor investigate further and I dont believe he has the TRUTH, but it was interesting that he got caught up into comparing his belief rather than avoiding and getting straight to the point-Gods message and goal

  • fulltimestudent

    8/ would not shun a family member who leaves the church but couldnt eat or drink in the same room

    There are different Brethren groups, one of which identifies as 'Exclusive,' and one describes itself as 'open'. I make that point because in Australia, one Brethren group has been accused of shunning (not sure which one, but guessing that it is the 'Exclusive' group).

    A Wikipedia entry on this Christian cult is quite detailed and interesting to read:

    The shunning seems to be practised both at an organisational level and a personal level.

    Groups and individuals, that split away seem to be treated in the same way as our former, ever so loving brothers and sisters treat 'apostates.' (Sardonic smile)

    The Wikipedia entry states:

    The Plymouth Brethren split into Exclusive and Open Brethren in 1848 when George Müller refused to accept John Nelson Darby's view of the relationship between local assemblies following difficulties in the Plymouth meeting. Brethren that held Muller's congregational view became known as "Open", those holding Darby's 'connexional' view, became known as "Exclusive" or "Darbyite" Brethren.

    Darby's circular on 26 August 1848, cutting off not only Bethesda but all assemblies who received anyone who went there, was to define the essential characteristic of "exclusivism" that he was to pursue for the rest of his life. He set it out in detail in a pamphlet he issued in 1853 entitled Separation from Evil, God’s Principle of Unity.

    That concept, Separation from Evil, God’s Principle of Unity,is rather interesting, as the pre-Christian, Qumran community cult, of Dead Sea Scrolls fame, and which bore quite striking similarities to the early Jesus cult, adopted a similar principle.

    That's why they had isolated themselves from the mainstream, Second Temple Judaism cult.

    In regard to the shunning of individuals, the Wikipedia entry says:

    Among the various criticisms raised against the church are:

    • Members who leave or who are expelled from the group have often been treated with what outsiders may regard as great cruelty. [24]
    • Leavers are shunned by members of the group because leavers are seen as having chosen the world and the devil against God, and because they could bring members into contact with the sinful world. [24] The Brethren have been accused of using their considerable wealth and power to punish members who have decided to leave the church and to have allegedly actively used their influence to split families up to protect the organisation's interests. [25]
    • For the most part, members who have left the Raven/Taylor/Hales group are completely ostracised. Members are not permitted to live with those who have left and this causes families to break up; remaining members do not speak, eat or otherwise socialise with those who have left the group's membership. To leave the group, either voluntarily or to be excommunicated, means to be asked to leave one's home, and the subsequent breaking of all normal family relationships with those who remain within the group. [24]

    Some popular Australian TV shows have taken supported shunned members and attempted to face down church members at the entry to their churches. The hostility of the church membership, toward both the shunned ex-members and the TV crew, is quite palpable.

  • Clambake

    When must people think of Brethen, they are really thinking about Exclusive Brethen.

    I live and work in a company ran by them. They are amazing people. Everything they touch turns to gold. Pretty good for people don't have any formal education beyond grade 12. Really entrepreneur people. Actually I don't think they can work for non-Brethen people.

    It is really strange. We have two lunch rooms. They refuse to eat us unclean. They talk to us as little as possible ( the unclean) but htye pay us well so who cares.

    I had a friend who tried to go to there church one Sunday and he was met at the door by two elders. " This church isn't for you ". They don't recruit at all.

    They have a supreme leader who is a channel to god , shun anyone who disagrees with anything for the magical man, Basically same crap different day but you don't have to go door to door.

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