Attending the memorial or an assembly? Take in a panoramic view of the audience.
Around 25% of the adults on average were sexual abused as children. The global prevalence of child sexual abuse has been estimated at 19.7% for females and 7.9% for males.
Protection Orders for Sexual Assault Victims are available in nearly half of USA.states.
As a general rule,these orders will be interpreted the same as orders issued under the Protection from Abuse Act for domestic violence.
While nothing specifically addresses places of worship, PFAs often include “no contact” language which means the defendant must stay away from the plaintiff in public places.
This may mean attending another worship service or even another church. Especially for a victim of sexual assault, the defendant sitting in a pew a few rows away may be very traumatic. Each state law is different. Some states are updating these laws as time goes on.
So the two year old pdf file listed below is not up to date. A crime victim can contact their county or state for up to date services concerning their rights.