Okay, my mom has been sick, back in forth to Florida I have been. She has a serious health issue and almost died because of the blood issue a month ago. She is on the mend (thankfully). I helped out as much as I could and it seemed to really mend our relationship. I checked in with her yesterday after she was supposed to get a vital report from the doctor. Well, SHE brought up the JW/child molestation issue again. (The first time was when there had been an article on CNN and she wanted to warn me about it). Yesterday when I called, she informed me that disgruntled witnesses were bringing reproach on Jehovah's organization etc... well, I totally lost it and just let'r rip. I am positive that I "un-did" all the progress I had made when she was sick. She hung up on me. I called back and got voice mail.
What really pisses me off is that her father molested her as a child and I thought she would have some sort of indignation about the whole thing. She is going to protect the organization no matter what!
It makes me feel nuts, I just don't get it and I don't think I ever will. I think I also got my hopes up because she let me help when she was so sick. I have been out for several years and I still want a relationship that I can't have anymore.