Prophet Test

by bchapp 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bchapp

    I thought article was pretty interesting:

    Read Deut. 18:20-22 for questions 1-6. (This is also the PROPHET TEST, according to the following Watchtower publications: "Aid to Bible Understanding," 1971 ed., p. 1348; "Make Sure Of All Things Hold Fast To What Is Fine," 1965 ed., p. 394 and "Sermon Outlines," p. 8.) "But it may be asked, How are we to know whether one is a true or a false prophet? There are at least three ways by which we can positively decide: (1) If he is a true prophet, his message will come to pass exactly as prophesied. If he is a false prophet, his prophecy will fail to come to pass." (THE WATCHTOWER, 5-15-30, p. 154)

    (1) According to Deut 18:20-22, what are the ONLY TWO CONSIDERATIONS GIVEN BY JEHOVAH to "KNOW" a true prophet from a false prophet? (v.22) (a) __________ (b) __________.

    NOTICE: There are only true prophets and false prophets. The Bible doesn't mention a third class being someone who "speaks as a prophet!"

    (2) Is more than one false prophecy needed to identify a false prophet, when he speaks in the name of the LORD? ____YES ____NO.

    (3) Does admitting to the false prophecy ("mistake" as called by some) have anything to do with clearing someone from being a false prophet? (v.22) ____YES ____NO. (The Watchtower claims to admit their "mistakes" regarding dates. However, since they don't admit to their 1975 "mistake," are they telling the truth? ____YES ____NO.)

    (4) Did Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, Amos, or any Bible prophet have to admit to any of their false prophecies? ____YES _____NO. Did they ever have to rely on Prov. 4:18, as The Watchtower Society tries to? ____YES ____NO.

    (5) Could Prov. 4:18 be a factor to consider to know a false prophet, since Jehovah gave only two considerations and this wasn't one of them? (v.22) ____YES ____NO, Proverbs 4:18 is not relevant here.

    (6) Should YOU be afraid of what a false prophet says? (v.22) ____YES ____NO.

    Read Matt. 7:15-20 for questions 7-14.
    (7) Will false prophets look like Christians (sheep)? (v.15) ____YES ____NO.

    (8) Are false prophets extremely dangerous to one's spiritual life? (v.15) ____YES ____NO.

    (9) Jesus said, inside false prophets are __________________ __________ (v.15).

    (10) Can we "KNOW" a false prophet by his fruit (prophecies)? (v.16) ____YES ____NO. A prophet produces prophecies like a fruit tree produces fruit.

    (11) A good tree produces good fruit and an evil tree produces evil fruit, just like a true prophet produces true prophecies and a false prophet produces false __________ (v.17).

    (12) Can a true prophet produce a single false prophecy? (v.18) ____YES ____NO. Please note: Jonah did not produce a false prophecy regarding the destruction of the Ninevites. Jeremiah wrote: "If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned" (18:7,8, NIV). This is EXACTLY what occurred with the Ninevites (Jonah 3:10). Furthermore, Micah 3:12 is just like Jonah's message to the Ninevites; yet Jer. 26:18,19 notes this pronouncement of judgment and comments upon it, in light of Jer. 18:7,8.

    (13) Did Jesus agree with Deut. 18:21,22 when he said that we will "KNOW" a false prophet tree by his worthless fruit (false prophecies)? (v.20) ____YES ____NO. NOTICE: The "fruit of the spirit" listed in Gal. 5:22,23 is not the "fruit" of the false prophet spoken of in Matt. 7:15-20!

    (14) Did Jesus say we should consider Prov. 4:18 as a factor to "KNOW" if someone is a false prophet or not? (v v.15-20) ____YES ____NO.

    (15) From 2 Chronicles chapter 18, does the evidence identify Zedekiah as a true prophet? (Notice v. 10) ____YES ____NO. Does the evidence identify Micaiah as a true prophet? (Notice v. 27) ____YES ____NO. Furthermore, in Jeremiah chapter 28, does the evidence identify Hananiah as a true prophet? ____YES ____NO. [Please notice how Hananiah, in verses 2 through 4, contradicted Jeremiah's prediction in Jer. 25:11. Be sure to ponder Jer. 28:9 and 28:15.] Does Jer. 28:9 show a similarity between Hananiah and the Watchtower's many predictions about 1,000 years of peace coming after Armageddon, which was supposed to occur in 1914, in 1925, then in 1941, and then in 1975? ____YES ____NO.

    (16) Considering Prov. 4:18, did the "light" for date-setting get any brighter from 1874 to 1975 for The Watchtower Society? ____YES ____NO ____ Stayed the same.

    (17) Getting back to Jonah, was he angry because the Ninevites repented of their sins and to his displeasure, Jehovah, therefore, didn't destroy them? (Jonah 3:10-4:3). ____YES ____NO.

    (18) Are false prophets a sign of these last days we are now living in? (Matt. 24:11) ____YES ____NO.

    (19) Will "MANY" be deceived by false prophets? (Matt. 24:11) ____YES ____NO.

    (20) Will false prophets (and false Christs) offer such convincing evidences, that if it were possible, even the chosen ones would be deceived? (Matt. 24:24) ____YES ____NO.

    (21) Will the ones deceived by a false prophet, though sincere, receive equal punishment as that false prophet? (Ezek. 14:10) ____YES ____NO.

    (22) Is it implied that false prophets are excellent deceivers? (Matt. 24:11,24) ____YES ____NO.

    (23) Does the Bible ever say anything good about false prophets? ____YES ____NO.

    (24) Should we trust a false prophet to interpret the Bible for us? ____YES ____NO.

    (25) For my own future sake, I will personally check these cited Watchtower quotes which show false prophecies. _____TRUE _____FALSE.

    (26) According to the aforementioned Armageddon prophecies, The Watchtower Society is, as they claim, a prophet of Jehovah with the ability to "declare things to come" (THE WATCHTOWER, 3-15-72, pp. 189,190 and THE WATCHTOWER, 4-1-72, pp. 197-200). ____TRUE ____FALSE.

    (27) The evidence cited in this study reveals the true identity of The Watchtower Society, according to Deut. 18:21,22, to be: ____ TRUE PROPHET ____ FALSE PROPHET, which I will not allow to interpret the Holy Bible for me.

    (28) The most important question: Jesus said, "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the ones that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life" (Jn. 5:39,40). The teachings of the Watchtower Society cause people to not go to Christ for everlasting life. If you are a Jehovah's witness, will you continue to allow this to happen to you? ____YES ____NO.

    "If the truth hurts most of us so badly that we don't want it told,
    it hurts even more grievously those who dare to tell it." (Judge Ben Lindsey, 1869-1943)

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Could you make some questions about the prophets "in a sense" for some of the newbie's? They have a problem with the Watchtower's strong stance on their "special" talent.

    That new guy hector, I think, said he always stands up for his faith, and does not run away. Maybe he'll come by?

  • hooberus

    I like question #3. The Watchtower says that since they admit to some of their "mistakes" that they are not a false prophet, because "false prophets do not admit to making mistakes".

    All that a false prophet can do when his prophecy does not come to pass is to either admit it was false or say that it did come true (only "invisibly").

    The Watchtower has done both (see Rutherfords Vindication book quotes in which thay admit that their prophetic dates did not come to pass.) Just because they admitted to their false prophecies in these books does not absolve them from being false prophets just as some one who admits to killing his wife is still guilty of murder even if he admits to the crime!

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