JWs using cartoons...

by Valis 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    The last time I saw my children the 5 year old brings me a new video tape she wants to watch. It was from grandma. There it was, the story of Noah brought to you by none other than the WTBTS...needless to say it went right into the trash. I've told my parents repeatedly that I want my children having none of it, but they persist. Does anyone else think this is a bit underhanded? Its the same kind of argument I heard time after time about films and music that were not acceptable.


    Me: "But its just a movie...."
    Mother: "I said no! Its influenced by demons..."


    Mother: "Its just a cartoon...."
    Me: "I said no! Its influenced by demons..."

    If only it were that simple. Anyone else have sneaky JW relatives that try to slide in "the truth" on your kids?


    District Overbeer

  • RunningMan

    You bet. My mother is constantly pumping my kids for information (have we been at meetings, etc), and sowing ideas (when are you getting baptized).

    They do this because life itself is at stake. There is no technique too low, as long as it works.

  • QCA1

    Hi Valis

    A few months ago my son went to stay at his big brothers house as he has a son a little younger,my daughter-in-law phoned me and said was it alright that my son went along with them to KH as there was no-one to look after him if he stayed home i said my son has the freedom to chose what he wishes to do,as my son wanted to stay at his brothers he said tes he would go.When my son came home a couple of days later he said Mum i will never go there again to KH it is the most boring place i have ever been too.Not a potential JW in the offing i thought.


  • Carmel

    My mother kept sending literature to my kids. I didn't object. I simply sat down and went through the book or magazine with them and explained what they believed and my status with the Borg. All of my children have a healthy respect for other peoples' belief systems, even the bazzar ones and I think it was from the process of having dad address the subject with them. Kinda like tv. It sometimes needs a parent to put things in context for them.



    I da'd myself from the the borg i have two kids who still attends
    with there mother. I was going to do christmas for my kids last year
    "yes christams, don't like it kiss my ASS" anyway my daughter is excited and then my mother in law calls and tells my daughter
    all the phobias she can about christmas. My daughter is crying xmas is bad and toys are bad, i was pissed off. So i made up FAMILY DAY a week before xmas because where still a family and they got all there presents wrap up and everything ANYWAY.SO my kids had there FUN
    I and my mother in law has not spoken in three years GOD BLESS MY SOUL anyway to make a long story short I threaten her with an order
    of protection on my kids against her if she does not stop bringing her shuning beliefs around me. I have not send the lady since GOD BLESS AMERICA AND THERE LAWS. p.s my mother in law comments "why i could not make family day some other month besides december". I said
    its my house and i make the rules around here. The nerve of some jehovah witnesses wanting to control every aspect of your life under your own roof. MY REPONSE, "GET THE PHUCK OUTTA HERE AND LIVE FOREVER SOMEWHERE ELSE.

  • musky

    Carmel, great comments! Good idea to keep kids informed.


  • RR

    arrrgh, I watched that cartoon, you'd think with all their technology, they could do a better job!

  • Matty

    Yes, I agree it was pretty shoddy. When I saw it, well, it really gave me the creeps.

    And people complain about Arnie films and all the killing! Well, the Noah story involves everybody on the planet getting wasted!

  • rmayer32

    They need to leave those poor kids alone. They are innocent of the WTS ways and need to stay that way



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