Hi everyone
I read lots of books on Religion and Spiritualality and have done for many years and when i come across words that make an impression on me i always right them down.I was going through alot of these writings the other day and i found this,could i share it with you all.
Religion is to serve God by serving His children. Religion has little to do with the conventional idea's of the world. Religion is that which enables God in you to be revealed in your life. Religion is that which increases the tie between you and God and between you and His other children. Religion is that which makes you go out into the world and give service where ever you can,Religion is service and service is Religion.
All else does not matter. When the physical body falls away the creeds over which human beings have for so long fought and striven are shown to be empty and vain,meaningless and purposeless,for they have not aided the growth of the soul one iota. The growth of the soul is only increased by service,for has you forget the self in the service of others so your own soul grows in stature and in strenght. There have been for so long too many so called Religions,each with a variation of a message. The things they hold most dear are in reality no value. The things for which they have, in the past,caused blood to flow,tortured,maimed and burned do not increase the spirit of man one inch.They have divided mankind into opposite camps;they have created barriers;they have caused needless differences in countries and in families. They have caused disputes;they have done every thing that stands for disruption and disharmony.They have failed to unite the children of God.That is why we care not for buildings and conventional Religion. We are not concerned what a man calls himself. It is what he does that matters.