Sikh man removes turban to help bleeding child

by konceptual99 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • konceptual99

    I think the lesson on the blood issue in this story is obvious.

  • Divergent

    JW's fail to understand the true meaning of Matthew 12: 1-13

    As Jesus said, he wants mercy, NOT sacrifice! Any death due to refusal of a blood transfusion is nothing more than a meaningless sacrifice

    Furthermore, blood is a symbol of life, NOT life! By refusing to accept a life-saving blood transfusion, JW's elevate the symbol of life to be more important than life itself, which is totally wrong!

    I don't believe in the Sikh religion, but congrats to this man for using common sense to do what is right

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force
  • stuckinarut2
    Great comments "Just Kidding"!
  • Phizzy

    He said " I was just trying to be a decent member of the community".

    Something for JW's to try.

  • JWdaughter

    Normal folks do not even think twice about such a thing. Extremists die over symbols, normal ones don't die or kill over turbans, cartoons or religious dictates as determined and defined by men. Normal guy did the right thing . Good.

  • SonoftheTrinity
    As funny as they look, the Sikh religion is one of the more rational faiths out there. Except maybe for the belief that dying on the job is the most honorable way to go out and a one way ticket to Nirvana. Sure beats the protestant work ethic. Their turbans beards and 'staches are awesome, the diaper fat breeches sometimes worn underneath their pants not so much. It seems like a dharmic religion that isn't for girlie men.
  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    One of my more distant jdub friends posted this story on their social media timeline! I wish I could've said something but didn't want to out myself..

    Oh the irony!

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