My non-JW, never been interested in even tralking about it, always avoid the topic of JW issues, came for an overnight visit this weekend. The kids all had a blast.
She updated me with a few observations:
My mom is planning to retire before the end of May. She told my sister that she would have more time to spend with grandkids and help out when situations arise (my nephew broke his leg in a horrible sledding accident and is just now getting out of the wheelchair). Mom said, "Just think how much help I could have been!" My sister rolled her eyes. My mom so obviously favors the JW grandkids, it has caused some pretty hard feelings for the others. Sadly, none of them ever expect Grandma to follow through on her promises to them.
My mom told me several months ago, that she wanted to quit her job and pioneer. I'm sure that is more likely the plan. :(
My dad is apparently getting their house ready for sale. They want to move into a retirement condominium in their town. That is a very new development.
My sister overheard dad and brother in law talking about the upcoming International Convention in Detroit. BIL was saying how he was going to "check out" the venue and their hotel. Also, someone in the KH is working parking, and has promised to somehow only allow certain people to park in a preferred place. (It was my JW sister's anniversary, so grandparents are watching my nephew for the weekend... again. That poor kid has been severely damaged by the JW's. My niece (12), was sent to a JW friend's house, against her will, for the weekend...)
Anyway, none of these gossip items sounded promising to me. I'm hoping my mom is still planning to visit this next weekend. I sent an email and asked her if she is still coming, and mentioned that I'm now being treated as a Bible Student by my elderette.
I wonder if she will tell my sister, or if the fact that I am talking to JWs again, will suddenly earn me more favor. I love conditional love! (There is nothing like knowing that your mom, once your best friend and confidante, feels that it is more important to go out in much neglected field service activities, than to spend time with her grandkids).