by Terry 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    The Divine Plan of the ages and the sacred secret of Christ depends on the shedding of Jesus' blood for mankind.

    Here is a question of logic which baffles me.

    What if everybody who heard Jesus preach thought it was nice? What if they hadn't been threatened and merely shrugged and walked away or joined his merry band of disciples?

    He'd not have made religious enemies with the Jews. He'd not have been a threat to Rome. He wouldn't have been arrested and executed.


    Is this a stupid question?

    If Satan had really wanted to thwart the plan of God---he'd have HELPED Jesus rather than opposing him---would he not?

  • sir82

    By the same token, Judas Iscariot should be regarded as a hero.

    If he had not betrayed Jesus, the propheicies would have gone unfulfilled and God would have been proven to be a liar.

    God remains truthful solely due to the actions of Judas. So why is he considered a villain?

    All kinds of fun conclusions can be made when you bother to pay attention to what the Bible says and think about it for more than, oh, 10 seconds.

  • Vidiot

    I reasoned along this line as a young person and asked my father about it...

    "Dad, if Satan wanted to thwart Jehovah's purpose, why didn't he simply not arrange Jesus' death, since Jesus 'had' to die?"

    My Dad replied, "Satan was tricked; he didn't know that Jesus was planning to die in order to ransom mankind. He thought God was planning on re-creating a new perfect human race through Jesus, and was preventing it by having Jesus killed..."

  • Viviane

    Nope, it's not. It's just one of the many many many illogical inconsistencies that emerge when you try to think about the Bible in a rational framework.

  • Vidiot

    sir82 - "God remains truthful solely due to the actions of Judas."

    It's an old narrative device; the gods' arrange their miracles to succeed via the bad guys' efforts to thwart them in an ironic twist.

    It's similar to the mythic archetype of the oracle who foretells disaster, tries to prevent it, and in doing so, inadvertently causes it.

  • Finkelstein

    One other thing that always posed a pondering question back in the day, is why didn't the Hebrew

    high priests protect Jesus if its was known by his actions of healing and raising people from the dead,

    walking on water, turning water into wine, etc. that he was truly the son of god ?


    To reiterate Terry's analogy, ancient mythology is really like a piece of silly putty that you can stretch

    in any form you wish and when you do you create your very own inherent religion .

  • redvip2000

    Because Saran is not very intelligent it seems. He cannot get a simple and effective strategy in place can he?

    Somehow he keeps playing into Jehoober's plan, like for example when Jesus foretold that christians would be persecuted. What does Satan do? He persecutes JWs during the nazi regime. When Rutherford sent that letter to hitler, any devil with half a brain would know that if hitler had shown favor to JWs it would throw the whole "true christians" concept for a loop.

    Imagine Hitler making Rutherford a religious consultant to the Nazi regime instead of giving him the cold shoulder. We would be dancing on the streets today. Thanks for nothing Satan!

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    A very inconvenient truth which the bible teaches and which JWs try to hide from is that God does foreordain people to do evil deeds!

    Note what the bible really teaches:

    (Acts 4:27, 28) . . .Even so, both Herod and Pontius Pilate with [men of] nations and with peoples of Israel were in actuality gathered together in this city against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, 28 in order to do what things your hand and counsel had foreordained to occur.

    (Acts 2:23) . . .this [man], as one delivered up by the determined counsel and foreknowledge of God, YOU fastened to a stake by the hand of lawless men and did away with.

    JWs are in denial of the true harsh character of the God of the bible. They even deny that he is vengeful despite the existence of texts like these:

    (Psalm 18:47) . . .The [true] God is the Giver of acts of vengeance to me; And he subdues the peoples under me. . .

    (Psalm 58:10) . . .The righteous one will rejoice because he has beheld the vengeance. His steps he will bathe in the blood of the wicked one.

    (Psalm 94:1, 2) . . .O God of acts of vengeance, Jehovah, O God of acts of vengeance, beam forth! 2 Raise yourself up, O Judge of the earth. Bring back a retribution upon the haughty ones.

    (Isaiah 47:3) . . .You ought to uncover your nakedness. Also, your reproach ought to be seen. Vengeance is what I shall take, and I shall not meet any man [kindly].

    (Zephaniah 1:17) . . .And I will cause distress to mankind, and they will certainly walk like blind men; because it is against Jehovah that they have sinned. And their blood will actually be poured out like dust, and their bowels like the dung.

    (Revelation 18:6) . . .Render to her even as she herself rendered, and do to her twice as much, yes, twice the number of the things she did; in the cup in which she put a mixture put twice as much of the mixture for her.

    Now compare the above texts and Psalm 109:6-19 with this standard definition of the word vengeful:


    [ venj -f uh l ]
    Show IPA adjective

    1. desiring or seeking vengeance ; vindictive: a vengeful attitude.
    2. characterized by or showing a vindictive spirit: vengeful intentions.
    3. serving to inflict vengeance : a vengeful killing.

    So Jehovah is not a vengeful God, huh JWs?

  • myelaine

    dear Terry...

    fortunately satan wasn't as clever as you.

    james 1:22-24

    love michelle

  • metatron

    Yup, that thought used to occur to me: what if Satan went on strike?

    No Gog of Magog. No demonism. No persecution. Bible prophecy goes into the dumper.

    God is proved a liar. The cosmos collapses into chaos.


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