How the GB give themselves away (forensic analysis)

by Terry 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    What makes the Faithful and Discreet Slave (FDS) any different than the rest of us?

    Isn't it their superpowers of channeling "food at the proper time"?

    Is this a special talent? Is it a mystical or supernatural skill?

    Or--is it something very mundane, boring and so common there is no room for "divine"handling at all?

    I think every JW has their own idea of how the GB (FDS) get their "food at the proper time" for channeling.

    But, if you carefully read the excuses they make when they are caught changing "Truth" into "new and improved" New Light--it becomes


    1. They look at the same reference material as the rest of Christendom.

    2. They find something they want to change and they spin it. (Jehovah's Witness theology is only a contrarian version of mainstream Christianity.)

    3. They are obsessed with chronology no matter how often it bites them (and the rest of us) on the ass.

    Let's take an example of a FALSE TEACHING. Russell listened to a couple of End Times lectures and became convinced the Rapture would be in 1878 because the chronology appealed to his intellect. He believed in it so strongly, he and his father sold the men's clothing stores for today's equivalent of 6 1/2 million dollars. He paid for everything in a mad spending spree of lectures, sermons, printed material, etc.

    All the poor nincompoos who were convinced by this waited on a bridge in white robes as a great big NOTHING happened.

    How embarassing!

    Let the Proclaimer's book tell us why it was a flub. But--when they're finished deflecting--let's ask them a question.

    QUESTION: "Why didn't Jehovah prevent Russell from teaching something totally wrong since his job is food at the PROPER time?"

    QUESTION: "If you make your best guess based on flawed sources and claim it is TRUTH and then have to CHANGE IT later---how is this PROPER and how is it even FOOD?"

    Example: From the Proclaimers book:

    "This was influenced by the belief that the seventh millennium of human history had begun in 1873 and that a period of divine disfavor (of equal length to a former period considered to be one of favor) upon natural Israel would end in 1878. The chronology was flawed because of relying on an inaccurate rendering of Acts 13:20 in the King James Version, belief that there was a transcription error at 1 Kings 6:1, and failure to take into account Biblical synchronisms in the dating of reigns of the kings of Judah and of Israel. A clearer understanding of Biblical chronology was published in 1943, in the book “The Truth Shall Make You Free,” and it was then refined the following year in the book “The Kingdom Is at Hand,” as well as in later publications."


    Okay, did you catch the 3 efforts to get it right? Each effort was an ERROR.

    Let's ask our questions:

    QUESTION: "Why didn't Jehovah prevent Russell from teaching something totally wrong since his job is food at the PROPER time?"

    QUESTION: "If you make your best guess based on flawed sources and claim it is TRUTH and then have to CHANGE IT later---how is this PROPER and how is it even FOOD?"

    Russell, himself the "FDS" of his day, got his information wrong because he was listening to 2nd Advent dipshits. They were taking him for every dime that could be squeezed out of his naive butt.

    Later, after Judge Rutherford died in 1942, Fred Franz, Nathan Knorr and Hayden C. Covington got it wrong too!

    Covington wasn't "anointed" and was forced out by Knorr who wanted somebody less educated (Franz).

    Where in all of this confusion and guesswork is the "mouthpiece of God" operating?

    It is more like Clown School.

    Again we turn to the Proclaimers book . . .

    "Later on, during the years from 1935 through 1944, a review of the overall framework of Bible chronology revealed that a poor translation of Acts 13:19, 20 in the King James Version, along with certain other factors, had thrown off the chronology by over a century. This later led to the idea—sometimes stated as a possibility, sometimes more firmly—that since the seventh millennium of human history would begin in 1975, events associated with the beginning of Christ’s Millennial Reign might start to take place then."

    Wow! These people are great at making excuse for misleading millions of people who think the GB KNOW SOMETHING which they obviously don't know.

    Remember, each mistake could have been caught by Jehovah--but only IF Jehovah were involved!

    Each false teaching was printed as TRUTH. Each bad source, bad guess and false teaching was obligatory belief for millions of sheep.

    Forensically speaking, where is the logic in believing anything the GB claim is TRUTH since they seem to rely on:

    1. Other people's lame opinions

    2. Bad chronology

    3. Bad translations

    4. Over eagerness to guess

    but not Jehovah's spirit.

    The GB give themselves away each time they make these excuses because we get a glimpse when they pull the curtain back.

    The glimpse shows where they turn and how easily they are misled and how blindly they commit others around the world to preaching worthless folly!

  • bruh2012

    Terry good points...the other layer of this is when they personally say in the WT (don't recall where)

    1. they have no special knowledge

    2. no pipeline to GOD special insights

    4. don't have more holy spirit

    5. olin trial information

    Statements like this takes away ALL that "we are used by Jehovah-lead by Jesus" crap-o-la credibility

  • zebagain

    ..1942, 1943, and 1944 wasnt something else happening at that time?

  • punkofnice

    poor translation of Acts 13:19, 20 in the King James Version, along with certain other factors

    They are not only making excuses but blaming everyone else but themselves.

    How childish the GB are is shown in these few words.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    we listernd to the dream dream dream of these " men" and they had a hold on us.

    Glad i found different dreamers here...

  • oppostate

    The surety of how they proclaim to have the Truth(c) and everyone else is wrong, that's what really gets to me.

    The lack of humility, the eagerness to slander other churches, the unwillingness to do anything for charity to help the poor, that's what I consider pharisaical and worthy of contempt.

    The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses have proven themselves to follow the un-Christian practices of Substitute Judge for a few days Rutherford, and like him are guilty of proclaiming men's teachings as if they were directed by God.

    Thanks Terry for your logical and well reasoned, and balanced post.

  • Terry

    I'm pretty much convinced how pointless it is to argue hermenutics, translations, chronology or theology with the Witnesses.

    A much more pointed and clarifying approach is the same approach used by gardeners in the flower garden.

    Pull the weed out BY ITS ROOTS!

    All anybody ever sees is the flowering weed and not the roots: the delusion which feeds the Theology.

    Dig deep and attack the foundation of belief, loyalty and mystical enchantment: WHERE DOES THE TEACHING ORIGINATE?

    The WTS always answers objections the way a magician performs street magic: MISDIRECTION.

    The response has to come back to the roots to be effective: "Ok, sure---I hear all that you're saying--but, let me ask you once again:

    How could Jehovah's spirit mislead you like that? Because, if it WASN'T holy spirit--whose spirit was it?"

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