Let me share ME

by Jon Preston 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Ok guys and gals! Listen! This is evolution inyour short span as humans! Ok so REAL evolutionists will say that certain traits are passed on per generation with traits that can lead to survival....nature v nirture, inheritability, etc...let us look at me and my dad!

    I often cannot stand my father...and yet i respect his genetics...he is a party person, loves music, drums, drugs, alcohol, and fun.

    i hate to admit that im angry at Dad...he had me at his house for 4.5 years of my life and we didnt soend much quality time. Ok fine.

    But now i show similar traits!! To NO influence of my own i like partying, im funny and love to BS!! I DO show more affectionbut cannot help my fantistic resemblance toy father.....ok my point...if traits are NOT passed on between generations and cause behavioral and lhysiological chances then what is it?

    Its evolution mateys and ladies! Our existence constantly changes!!! A god who didnt invent evolutoon, DOES NOT EXIST!!

  • Tiktaalik

    Is your father similarly as careless with English as you?

    If so, then that's the heritability that proves your appallingly worded, and spelled, argument.

  • MadGiant

    Is your father similarly as careless with English as you? - Tiktaalik

    ad hominem
    You attacked your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.

    Ad hominem attacks can take the form of overtly attacking somebody, or more subtly casting doubt on their character or personal attributes as a way to discredit their argument. The result of an ad hom attack can be to undermine someone's case without actually having to engage with it.

  • snowbird

    Traits (nice and nasty) ARE passed from generation to generation.

  • nonjwspouse

    As I recall, Mr Jon has a post admitting to "drunk posting" a good bit. I have a feeling.......

  • snowbird

    That explains things, then.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Being a prick is inherited too, apparently. ;-) did i spell that correctly?

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    I was drinkin when i wrote it too haha oops

  • snowbird


    Y'all crack me to pieces!

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    :-D sorry again hehe

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