i guess the CO came by with a local elder. funny thing is only my husband's name is on it. we are both inactive, but the rumors are that i celebrate everything now (i do). a non jw family member was at home. she trashed it for me. then two sisters came by today while we were at work. this will be my second memorial missed. my husband is inactive, but still believes it is the truth. but he makes no effort to go back either. anyway, i will be glad for Monday to come and be gone. my young children dont even know who or what jehovah is. One of the greatest things i ever did was leave those chains of that religion.
i have gotten two memorial invites so far. Both are now safely in the trash
by monis1 4 Replies latest jw friends
Monis ......good for you and a huge welcome to jwn!
Looking forward to seeing your story.
All the best
Welcome monis1, If your husband still thinks that the WTBTS has the truth, does your husband love you and your children more than the WTBTS?
If he loves you and your children more than the WTBTS, ask him what he thinks of Steve Hassan's video Strategic Interactive Approach explained 2003 (1:23:23). Steve Hassan is a reputable cult-exit counselor who has written "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs". Learning more about how the WTBTS uses BITE control techniques to victimize JWs may help your husband stop using thought-stopping platitudes like "The WTBTS still has the Truth."
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Welcome monis. You must have received my invite since I have not received one yet. I guess they still have time though. I think I've only ever been to 1 or 2 Memorials Reject Jesus Parties. And that was eons ago when I was a teen and didn't have much choice.
What made you decide to become inactive? I am glad to read that your children are not in at all.
Mrs Phizzy said to me "What did you do with that invite ?", I told her it was ripped up and went straight in the trash.
She then proceeded to wind me up by saying "Oh, I wanted to go to that". She didn't at all, but she knows how to get me going.
I think she is trying to get me to explode, as an easy way of getting rid of me, at least I am only trying to get rid of her slowly by over-feeding her !
Big WELCOME Monis1 ! What was it that woke you up to reality ?