Bush is forced to defensive

by Okidok 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Okidok

    The whole 11 sept, issue look like a stinking conspiracy. But as always, common people don’t give it a thought. As enslaved and brainwashing like JW, most people is accepting the official version as the whole holy truth. But there are many reasons to stop and think. What if Bush himself is involved to promote his profound?
    Interests?? Look at this site and judge for yourself.
    What really happened to flight 77??

    "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue.."
    Winston Churchill.

  • Naeblis

    This is all well and good but where do the aliens fit in? Exactly. It is so blatantly obvious that Sep 11 was the first salvo of an alien takeover. Don't say I didn't warn you.

  • Okidok

    Hi Naeblis
    Before you are saying anything at all, why don’t you read the url,, then you can become a messenger of the ultimate truth??

    "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue.."
    Winston Churchill.

  • Naeblis

    Oh I read the url. YOu have been deceived. This is what the Government WANTS you to believe. Why can't you see that??? When our benevolent tyrants (THe Bugallorians) rule this earth, you will rue the day you opposed them.

  • Okidok

    LOL Naeblis
    You are truly a servant of a new dictator state

    "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue.."
    Winston Churchill.

  • one

    all gov use or 'produce' acts to point as an excuse to do what they want to do.

    When the play that kind of game with the enemy, sometimes they underestimate the enemy's intentions or capability.

  • Naeblis

    Indeed I am. Fear Canada!

  • Okidok

    By James Ridgeway
    When people first raised questions about President Bush's scared-chicken behavior on September 11, they were buried in patriotic abuse. But think about it. Consider the bare facts: The attacks happened on George Bush's watch. He was in charge. And he now admits to having known in general what was going to happen. Terrorists were slipping into the country. They were studying at American flight schools. They intended to hijack planes. They were financed by Osama bin Laden.

    Knowing all of this, Bush still left us totally undefended. And for this performance, his approval ratings soared.

    If the president got an intelligence warning during the summer about what might soon happen, how come he didn't do something then? He could have:

    1. Told Congress.

    2. Improved airport security, which had already been criticized as inadequate.

    3. Alerted the airlines. As it was, the airlines never raised any questions when the hijackers started laying down thousands in cash for one-way tickets.

    4. Warned the FAA. The FAA control center in New Hampshire knew 10 to 15 minutes after takeoff that an American Airlines flight from Boston had been hijacked. It was more than half an hour later when it crashed into the World Trade Center.

    5. Ordered improved security for the nation's nuclear power plants, the untended thousands of miles of natural gas pipelines, the harbors into which a terrorist could sail a liquid natural gas tanker and unleash a holocaust equal to a nuclear explosion.

    If Bush knew so much, how come he did so little on September 11? Instead of letting his handlers move him from place to place in an utter fog, he could have returned to Washington immediately and, as commander in chief, taken charge. He could have alerted the military, which ought to have had planes in the air moments after the FAA control learned of the takeover.

    Bush was much more careful when it came to defending his political power. He and his managers managed to spin his response to the attacks so well that approval ratings soared to all-time highs. Clutching his halo, the president then began pushing for various rollbacks of freedom and constitutional process. They were old ideas for him, but he wrapped them in patriotic banners and sold them to the nation. Consider what he accomplished:

    1. He set in motion the installation of a secret Congress.

    2. His administration marched far forward with its program for restricting civil rights and tightening immigration rules.

    3. He started a shooting war in Afghanistan against a group of peopleóthe Talibanówith whom the administration was quietly negotiating last summer. He advanced immeasurably the interests of those who want to go to war against Iraq. That's not to mention those of the Israeli war hawks who assert they are part of the campaign against terror and that their invasion of Palestinian cities and towns is thus justified.

    Bush protected himself and his friends. What he left uncovered was the rest of us.

    "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue.."
    Winston Churchill.

  • SYN

    Okidok: We'll never truly know. Even if we did, what in God's name would we be able to do about it? Zero. In fact, if certain people even knew that we knew, our brief existence would end rather quickly. So take it easy, man!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • rmayer32

    Just another political move by the democrats who are desperate to gain control of the House and senate this year.. Simple as that.


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