Counting of "tract" or "memorial" invitations on reports slip!

by stuckinarut2 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    So, the new arrangement is to get all the cong to count every tract and memorial invite and dc invite placed etc!

    Can you beleive this! How controlling and completely stupid!...I mean what is the reasoning behind counting a slip left in soemones letterbox????

  • fakefading

    Yeah it's pretty stupid just like everything else they instructed to do.

  • NewYork44M

    It is just another proof that they love numbers and believe that higher numbers in anything proves jehovah's favor.

  • stuckinarut2

    So I just told out group overseer to bout down few thousand...cos who knows what was placed?

    i mean, why bother anyway!!!!!

  • westiebilly11

    ..compiling a second book of Numbers......very sad......did Jesus keep a record?

  • factfinder

    They might want to brag about how many were placed but it might also be to acertain how many tracts should be printed and sent in the future. I'm sure they want to cut costs and will reduce the amount they print and send to the congs if there is too big a varience between amount shipped and amount reported as placed.

  • L3G

    They are worried about the stats being down (compare the "doorstep Bible study"), so this is one way to beef them up. Ah, GB 2.0.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Those tracts and mem invites pinned on the post office bulletin board go directly into the trash - I check the board every day when I check the mailbox.


  • cultBgone

    Saw someone handing out multiple copies to staff at a restaurant...sure they mostly hit the trash too. But good numbers!

  • tiki

    good lord - what a waste of time and energy. a stupid slip of paper? how many? just for starters there is no way they'd get anything near accurate. most people don't even balance their checkbook monthly and they think they are going to count little pieces of paper and keep track of it?!?!?


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