My first missed memorial.
by stillwondering 5 Replies latest jw friends
Didn't really miss it at all. Glad to say i will never step foot back into another kingdom hall. But then again I'm feeling very depressed , Thinking about my sister who is still in that awful cult. It's heartbreaking. It really is. I pray and keep hoping she will see TTATT.
I know most will say to talk to her and try to say certain things to get her thinking, I wish i could , i really really wish i could but i've not spoken to her in quite awhile. And I would be lying if i said i wasn't afraid to call her and just talk about anything like we used to. But I don't want to be questioned about my staind on the "truth" My step-dad has already been asked if he still believed in Jehovah. I dont want to be asked the same one , I still believe in God and Jesus, but I know what those questions are really used for.
I just can not quit thinking about what they are telling my nephew. I hope nothing that turns him against his own family. They would be hurting him more than us to be honest.
It's tough. I don't really have anything to say other than I 'get' it. And I think most of us do.
I'm in same situation with my sister. But, for now, being 'in' works for her. I'm happy that she is happy. I just wish we could both be happy *and* talk freely to each other. Sadly, it cannot work that way when one of us is still in a cult.
I remember my first few missed memorials. I had mixed feelings. I don't miss the memorial itself at all. But I do miss the big parties that we (my family) used to have afterwards. I really, really enjoyed those. They were among some of my best JW memories.
No regrets, though, for me leaving it behind. I am much happier everyday.
I agree Aude, we used to go out to eat afterwards and all but then everyone in the Kingdom hall became very clickish.. Then anytime we would have big gatherings someone would get counseled for it and half the time the elder who would do the counseling was at the gathering. So when people would do anything they kept their gathering very very small. and it ended up alot of people getting offended anyways. couldnt win for losing. I didnt care either way, I had better things to do.
And as for my sister. It wouldnt be so bad if she didn't treat us like we are scum. But I say her Elder FIL and MS Husband have alot to do with it.
I understand completely, it's almost impossible for an ex JW to have a normal relationship with a still in true believer. My suggestion is to send occasional emails or letters (remember those?). That way it shows you want to stay in contact, but prevents awkward questions. I doubt many people would refuse to read an email, even from an "apostate", she would be way too curious to see what you had to say to throw it away.