How is that we don't see these things when we are in? It never ceases to amaze me and we just keep falling for it.
How is it that we don't see the deception?
by suavojr 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's easy when everyone around you behaves as though it isn't there.
Surely they don't ask these questions to the younger ones.
Pyramid God
Not that I agree with them, but I could also see that question being asked simply for safety. They could be worried about a disease being communicated through the baptism pool water if an infected person uses it. As to why that is a question for baptism in the book and not a private one asked discretely is beyong me however.
Yes they ask these questions of younger ones as well as the questions about homosexuals and sex and etc...
Yeah it is pretty ridiculous but howcan you be surprised that they want to shame people and make them feel small for who they are ort their current lot in life. Our district overseer discouraged our "International nights" where everyone would do something dance or make food that is synonymous with their culture. He said it caused divisions and tried to put one persons culture over another. HTen he went on to say that Latin dances were to provacative and that African Americans rap culture was degrading...
It's a cult. Every thing the Watchtower does is specifically designed so that you won't see the deception, that is the very definition of a cult.
Watchtower logic:
Nature is wonderful, so it must have been designed, therefore God
God is wonderful, so he must have communicated to us somehow, therefore the bible
The bible is wonderful, therefore we must follow it
The bible is confusing, therefore we need someone to explain it, therefore the WTBTS
The WTBTS explains the bible, therefore everything they teach is correct
They say we are in the last days, so we must be, plus something bad happened last week, so that is further proof.
We are in the last day as so we need the Watchtower to save us.
Every thing above has huge logical fallacies, but it is deeply ingrained in every JW, by constant repetion and because it is hard to see the truth when every one you know believes the same thing. Seeing the truth in such a situation is very difficult, the wonder is not why every one doesn't see it, it's why anyone does. This usually only happens when someone has been away from it long enough for their logical thinking brain to take over, or when something horrible happens to you and you see how the organization really operates.