Buddhist / Hindu / Rastafarian / Pagan etc... if they came to you and said in my homeland we have our own gods who is completely different from yours and most of his teachings are contradictory or atleast different from yours. Do you thyink that my GODS from my homeland that were worshipped for thousands of years are fake?
What would you say to a...
by confusedandalone 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would sit them down, grab a cold mug and give them 3 choices: Budweiser, Fosters or Molson.
Rub a Dub
I was really hoping to hear the christisn response
Bottom line is no one can prove thier god is real, its all just BS.
My approach would be to ask the Hindu, Buddhist, etc : 'So please tell me more about your religion, your culture and your beliefs. And illustrate for me the ways your beliefs assist you with living a worthwhile, authentic life'. Then I'd thank them for the information, share a cup of tea with them, wish them well, and, thus educated, be on my way.
JWs always bang on about there only being one "true"god.
But is it possible all these different godlike figures from different cultures are all just variations on a theme.
Apples and oranges. Who am I to say "my god is bigger than your god".
Although makes me wonder who would win in a wrestling match.
If my mission was to promote my beliefs over his, YES. I would do what I could to show him the error of his religion/god(s). But I'm not a JW anymore. I'm content to be a Christian who NOW understands that man's salvation is based on the condition of heart rather than some individual notion of doctrinal purity or understanding of the identity of God.
NOW, my approach would be more like the one NAVYTOWN mentioned - turning it in to a learning experience for myself.
NOW, I could part company with the guy without viewing him as buzzard food.
After listening to their message I would get on my Mars Hill soap-box for a while...and do my best to explain the difference between religion and Christianity.
Do you mean fake as opposed to the real god ?? Who is ??? Just another misconception of the ancient mindset designed for purposes the modern educated brain could and should not contemplate.